4. Linearity calculations on the ATX7006
The linearity calculations can be performed on the ATX7006 with the command CALC_LIN. Linearity calculations can be performed on captured data from a DIO module (A/D converter test) or a WFD (D/A converter test).
The linearity calculations can be configured with the commands:
- CALCOPT_LIN_AD : Best fit/End point calculation ADC test, trip-point search method, ramp clipping.
- CALCPARAM_LIN_AD : ADC parameters, applied input signal parameters.
- CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXT : 1/2 LSB offset shift, interface offset and gain parameters.
- CALCOPT_LIN_DA : Best fit/End point calculation DAC test.
- CALCPARAM_LIN_DA : DAC bits, applied input signal parameters, interface offset and gain parameters.
Results are available with the commands:
- MR_LIN : INLE, DNLE, TUE, Offset, Gain etc.
- MR_LIN_ERR_AD : Error plot array ADC results.
- MR_LIN_MC : Missing codes array ADC results.
- MR_LIN_TRIP : Trip-point array ADC results.
- MR_LIN_ERR_DA : Error plot array DAC results.
Calculations will be performed after a test (MX) when the system is in "production mode". The system is set in production mode with the command PMODE. Linearity calculations are performed after a ramp test, MT1 (A/D test) or MT11 (D/A test). Results can be queried with the command M.
The WaveAnalyzer of ATView7006 is also capable of doing a linearity analysis. Press the corresponding button (B.FIT), TUE, ENDP, etc.). Settings can be adjusted from the menu "Options" -> "Linearity Measurement Settings".