ATX7006 Online Command Reference
General syntax |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Command | Short description |
General ATX7006 commands |
ATX7006_CMDSTACK_STATUS? | ATX7006 command stack status |
ATX7006_DATE | ATX7006 local system date |
ATX7006_DISPLAYCLEAR | Clear ATX7006 display messages |
ATX7006_DISPLAYCURSOR | Show/hide display cursor |
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG | Add message to ATX7006 display |
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG_COLOR | Set display message color |
ATX7006_DISPLAYRESOLUTION | Change Display resolution |
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXT | Read display text information |
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINE | Read 1st available display text line, which is not read before |
ATX7006_HEAPINFO | ATX7006 heap information |
ATX7006_INFO | ATX7006 firmware module version information |
ATX7006_MEMORY | Display ATX7006 memory status |
ATX7006_NAME | Computer and NetBIOS name |
ATX7006_POWERUPSTATUS | ATX7006 power up status information |
ATX7006_REBOOT | Reboot the ATX7006 |
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON | Resource monitor information |
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERV | Resource monitor interval time |
ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWARE | Restart the firmware |
ATX7006_SCREENCAPTURE | Make ATX7006 screen capture |
ATX7006_SHUTDOWN | Shutdown the ATX7006 |
ATX7006_TIME | ATX7006 local system time |
ATX7006_UPTIME | ATX7006 up time |
AWG20 specific command(s) |
AWG20_SMODE | AWG20 Signal module configuration |
Calculations/analyzing data commands |
CALC_DYN | Calculate dynamic parameters |
CALC_FREEMEM | Free memory arrays used by calculations |
CALC_HIST | Calculate histogram test parameters |
CALC_LIN | Calculate linearity parameters |
CALC_STAT_COUNT | Calculate statistical array (code occurrences) |
CALCOPT_DYN | Dynamic Calculation options |
CALCOPT_DYN_EXT | Extended dynamic Calculation options |
CALCOPT_HIST | Histogram test calculation options |
CALCOPT_LIN_AD | A/D test linearity Calculation options |
CALCOPT_LIN_DA | D/A test linearity Calculation options |
CALCPARAM_HIST | Parameters for histogram test calculations |
CALCPARAM_HIST_EXT | Extended parameters for histogram test calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD | Parameters for A/D test linearity calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXT | Extended parameters for A/D test linearity calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_DA | Parameters for D/A test linearity calculations |
Common module/card commands |
CC | Card Connect |
CCAL_ADC24_CA | Card Calibration Array for on board 24 bit ADC |
CCAL_ADC24_MEAS | Card Calibration Measure with on board 24 bit ADC |
CCAL_DATE | Card Calibration Date |
CCAL_REPORT | Request card calibration report |
CCAL_RES | Card Calibration Resistor value |
CCAL_START | Perform card auto-calibration |
CCAL_STORE | Store calibration data to eeprom |
CCAL_V | Card Calibration Voltage(s) |
CCHANNEL | Select Card Channel |
CCLKDIV | Card clock divider |
CCLK_LEVEL | Card clock threshold level |
CCONT | Card continuous mode |
CCS | Card clock Source |
CID | Card Identification |
CINFO | Card Information |
CLC | Card latency count |
CMEMA | Set card memory address counter |
CMEMD | Dump card memory data |
CMEMD_BIN | Dump card memory data Binary |
CMEML | Load card memory |
CMEMR | Read card memory |
CMEMW | Write card memory |
CMEM_END | Set card memory end address |
CMEM_RET | Set card memory return to address |
CMF | Card memory fill |
CML | Card measurement loop counter |
CMODE | Card Mode |
COPMODE | Card operation mode |
COV | Card offset voltage |
CPATH | Card signal path |
CPATH_INFO | Configure card signal path |
CRA | Card Range |
CSAMPLEDIV | Card sample divider |
CSELECT | Select Card |
CSIGNALD | Dump card signal |
CSIGNALD_BIN | Dump card signal Binary |
CSL | Card settle loop counter |
CTEMP? | Card Temperature |
CTRIG | Card trigger source and mode |
CTRIG_LEVEL | Card trigger threshold level |
CTRIG_STATUS | Card software trigger status |
CTST | Perform card self test |
CV | Card Voltage |
Error message command(s) |
DEM | Display Error Message |
DIO specific commands |
DIO_CLKDELAY | Set DIO clock delay |
DIO_DB | Number of bits device under test |
DIO_IO | Digital IO register |
DIO_IOSTATUS | Enable/Disable all DIO lines |
DIO_IOV | DIO I/O level |
DIO_OPMODE | Set DIO Operation Mode |
DIO_OPMODE_CONFIG | Configure DIO Operation Modes |
DIO_PLL_DIV | Configure DIO PLL divider(s) |
DIO_PLL_FREQ | Configure DIO PLL frequency |
DIO_PLL_LBW | Configure DIO PLL loop bandwidth |
DIO_PLL_STATUS | Check DIO PLL status |
DIO_SDO | Static data out |
DIO_SPI_CONFIG | Configure DIO SPI bus |
DIO_SPI_RD | DIO SPI bus read action |
DIO_SPI_WR | DIO SPI bus write action |
DPS16 specific commands |
DPS16_CL | Dual power supply output Current limit |
DPS16_ESG | Dual power supply enable signal generation |
DPS16_MC | Dual power supply Measure load current |
DPS16_MV | Dual power supply Measure output voltage |
DPS16_STATUS | Dual Power supply status |
DRS20 specific commands |
DRS20_MV | DRS20 single voltage measurement |
DRS20_RES | DRS20 resolution |
DRS20_SETTLEAREA | DRS20 settle area in controlled mode |
Embedded command execution |
EXECUTE_CMDFILE | Execute command file |
EXECUTE_SCRIPT | Execute Lua script file |
Embedded file transfer server command(s) |
FTP | Stop or start ftp server |
GPIB port commands |
GPIB_ADDR | Set GPIB address |
GPIB_STATUS | Enable or Disable GPIB port |
GPIB_STATUSMSG | Last GPIB status message |
Embedded help function |
HELP | Help function |
Embedded webserver commands |
HTTP | Stop or start web server |
HTTP_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of web server connections |
HTTP_MAXCONNECTIONS | Maximum web server connections |
HTTP_PORT | Web server port number |
Identification commands |
*IDN? | Identification |
ID? | Identification |
FPGA updater commands |
JTAG_ADDRESS | Return module JTAG offset address |
JTAG_PROGRESS | Programming progress |
JTAG_START | Start programming JTAG |
JTAG_STATUS? | JTAG status register |
Network commands |
LAN_ALLOW | Manage allowed IPs |
LAN_BLOCK | Manage blocked IPs |
LAN_CLIENT | Manage connected clients |
LAN_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of LAN connections |
LAN_DHCP | DHCP on or off |
LAN_ENABLEAUTH | Authentication for incoming LAN connections |
LAN_IP | Own IP address |
LAN_MAXCONNECTIONS | Maximum number of allowed LAN connections |
LAN_PORT | LAN port for incoming connections |
LAN_STATICIP | Configured IP address |
LAN_SUBNETMASK | Configure subnet mask |
LAN_USER | Manage LAN users and passwords |
Measurement/calculation results commands |
MR_DYN | Dynamic parameters of last dynamic calculation |
MR_DYN_FFT | Raw FFT results of last dynamic calculation |
MR_DYN_HARM | Harmonics of last dynamic calculation |
MR_DYN_SPECTRUM | Spectrum results of last dynamic calculation |
MR_HIST | Error parameters of last histogram test calculation |
MR_HIST_ERR | Error plot of last histogram test calculations |
MR_HIST_MC | Missing codes array of last histogram test calculations |
MR_HIST_TRIP | Trippoints array of last histogram test calculations |
MR_LIN | Error parameters of last linearity calculation |
MR_LIN_ERR_AD | Error plot of last linearity calculations (A/D) |
MR_LIN_ERR_DA | Error plot of last linearity calculations (D/A) |
MR_LIN_MC | Missing codes array of last linearity calculations (A/D) |
MR_LIN_TRIP | Trippoints array of last linearity calculations |
MR_STAT_DATA | Measurement results statistical calculations |
MR_STAT_DATA_BIN | Measurement results statistical calculations in binary format |
DIO pattern bits commands |
PB_CLKDIV | Set pattern clock divider value |
PB_MEMA | Set pattern memory address counter |
PB_MEMD | Dump pattern memory locations |
PB_MEML | Load pattern memory |
PB_MEMR | Read pattern memory |
PB_MEMW | Write pattern memory |
PB_MEM_END | Set pattern memory end address |
PB_MEM_RET | Set pattern memory return address |
PB_MEM_START | Set pattern memory start address |
PB_MODE | Set DIO pattern bit mode |
PB_OUT | Set pattern bits output status |
ATX7006 powersupply commands |
PS_CURRENT | Power supply measured current |
PS_FANSPEED | Set power supply fan speed |
PS_TEMP | Get power supply temperature |
Remote access commands |
RACCESS_ACCOUNT | Remote access account |
RACCESS_CONNECTION | Manage remote access connections |
RACCESS_MAXCONNECTIONS | Maximum allowed connections |
RACCESS_PROXY | Configure Proxy for remote access |
RACCESS_RECEIVEINTERVAL | Interval time for receiving commands |
RACCESS_RECEIVETIMEOUT | Receiving connection Timeout |
RACCESS_SERVER | Remote access server name |
RACCESS_STANDBYENABLE | Remote access standby service |
RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVAL | Interval time informing the remote server |
Lua script commands |
SCRIPT_ABORTREQUEST | Set or clear script abort request status |
SCRIPT_ARG | Add Lua script argument string |
SCRIPT_ARG_CLEAR | Clear all Lua script argument strings |
SCRIPT_RESULT | Get Lua script result array |
SCRIPT_RESULT_BIN | Get Lua script result array in binary format |
SCRIPT_RESULT_SELECT | Select Lua script result array |
SCRIPT_RETURN | Get last Lua script return value |
SCRIPT_STATUSMSG? | Get last Lua script status message |
Signal definition commands |
SIGNAL | Signal definition |
SIGNAL_ADD | Add Signal definition |
SIGNAL_CLEAR | Clear all signal definitions |
SIGNAL_SELECT | Select a signal item |
Execute test/measurement commands |
TEST_STATUS | Start or stop a test |
TEST_CARDS | Set active cards during test |
Touchscreen commands |
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUS | Enable touchscreen |
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUSMSG | Last touchscreen status message |
Embedded wait command |
WAIT | Halt executing command for n ms |
General syntax
Commands are specified by the following general syntax:
COMMANDparam[,param,..]<term> | ||
where: | COMMAND<term> | the command string |
param | parameter or a question mark | |
[,param,..] | optional parameter(s) | |
<term> | command termination or seperator |
The command string exists of ASCII characters. The command parameters are indicated with the characters n,o,p,q,r,s. The number of parameters and optional parameters is dependent of the command. parameters are always separated by a comma.
The command parameters (param) may be one of the following types:
dec | ASCII format decimal value specification |
[-]n.nnnnnn | |
e.g. -1.5 or 3.123456 or 1234 | |
hex | string of hexadecimal ASCII digits (0..9, A..F) |
a hex parameter should start with "0x"to indicate the hexadecimal format | |
e.g. 0xAF or 0x1B8C or 0x1000 | |
[,param,.. | |
n | A number containing a single or multiple numeric ASCII digits. These digits form a number |
Commands should be terminated or seperated with a CR (13 dec or 0xD), LF (10 dec or 0xA) or semicolon (;). The ATX7002 will end a respond with a CR.
Examples: | |
CSELECT4;CC1;CV2.4505 | |
CSELECT? | Returns "4" |
General ATX7006 commands
ATX7006_CMDSTACK_STATUS | ATX7006 command stack status
ATX7006_CMDSTACK_STATUS? | Check if command stack is empty (0) or non-empty (1) |
Use this command for long executing Lua scripts to check if it is finished.
ATX7006_DATE | ATX7006 local system date
ATX7006_DATE yyyy-mm-dd | Set the local system date |
ATX7006_DATE? | Return current setting for the local system date |
This command applies to: The ATX7006 controller.
ATX7006_DATE 2009-04-03 Set the system date to April, 3 2009
Related command: ATX7006_TIME
ATX7006_DISPLAYCLEAR | Clear ATX7006 display messages
ATX7006_DISPLAYCLEAR | Clears ATX7006 display messages |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
The contents of the field under the "home" tab on the display is cleared.
Related command: ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG
ATX7006_DISPLAYCURSOR | Show/hide display cursor
ATX7006_DISPLAYCURSORn | n=0 hide display cursor |
n=1 Show display | |
ATX7006_DISPLAYCURSOR? | returns the current setting |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
The mouse pointer (cursor) can be made invisible using this command. When using the touchscreen, it may be convenient to make pointer invisible.
ATX7006_DISPLAYCURSOR0 Hide the mouse pointer.
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG | Add message to ATX7006 display
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSGtext | Displays a text message on the ATX7006 display |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
The command displays a message in the "home" field on the ATX7006 display. The number of messages limited to 100. The last received messages are visual on the ATX7006 display. The command ATX7006_DISPLAYCLEAR can be used to clear queue of display messages.
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG Hello atx displays "Hello atx" in the ATX7006 "home" field.
Related command: ATX7006_DISPLAYCLEAR
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG_COLOR | Set display text color
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG_COLOR[r,g,b] | Set text color of next diplay messages |
r value between 0 (default) and 255 for red | |
g value between 0 (default) and 255 for green | |
b value between 0 (default) and 255 for blue |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG_COLOR 0,255 Set color of next display message to green.
Related command: ATX7006_DISPLAYMSG
ATX7006_DISPLAYRESOLUTION | Change Display resolution
ATX7006_DISPLAYRESOLUTIONn | n=0 320x240 ATX7006 flatscreen |
n=1 640x480 External monitor | |
n=2 800x600 External monitor | |
n=3 1024x768 External monitor | |
ATX7006_DISPLAYRESOLUTION? | returns the current display resolution setting |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
The used display resolution can be set using this command. The controller touchscreen display supports only one resolution of 320x240. If another resolution is set, the controller display is switched off. An external monitor should be connected to display the other resolutions.
ATX7006_DISPLAYRESOLUTION3 Sets the external display resolution to 1024x768 and turns off the controller display.
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXT | Read display text information
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXT? | Returns all display text information and the corresponding text color code (0xrrggbb) |
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTCOUNT? | returns number of available text lines |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
Returns all display text information and the corresponding text color code (0xrrggbb). It will also reset the ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINE counter.
related command: ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINE
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINE | Read 1st available display text line, which is not read before
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINE? | Read 1st available display text line, which is not read before |
ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXTLINECOUNT? | returns number of available not read text lines |
This command applies to: ATX7006 controller module display.
Returns 1st available display text line which is not read before and the corresponding text color code (0xrrggbb). COUNT will be decremented after each read.
related command: ATX7006_DISPLAYTEXT
ATX7006_HEAPINFO | ATX7006 heap information
ATX7006_HEAPINFO? | displays ATX7006 firmware heap information |
ATX7006_HEAPINFO DETAIL1? | displays detailed ATX7006 firmware heap information |
ATX7006_HEAPINFO DETAIL2? | displays more detailed ATX7006 firmware heap information |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 controller module.
The heap information displays information about a specific part of the memory used by the firmware.
related command: ATX7006_MEMORY
ATX7006_INFO | ATX7006 firmware module version information
ATX7006_INFO? | displays the version information of every module |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 controller module.
The version information of each firmware module is displayed in the format: modulename,version. The version number consists of the three parts: major version, minor version and build number, separated by dots.
ATX7006_MEMORY | Display ATX7006 memory status
ATX7006_MEMORY? | displays the ATX7006 controller memory status |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 controller module.
To get an overview of the memory status of the ATX7006 controller module.
related command: ATX7006_HEAPINFO
ATX7006_NAME | Computer and NetBIOS name
ATX7006_NAMEn | Set the computer and NetBIOS name |
ATX7006_NAME? | returns the current name |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 controller module.
With this command, the computer and NetBIOS name of the ATX7006 is set. The factory setting of this name is the ATX serial number. If desired, the name can be modified. The maximum number of characters in the name is limited to 15 characters. A reboot of the system is required.
ATX7006_POWERUPSTATUS | Display ATX7006 powerup status information
ATX7006_POWERUPSTATUS? | displays the ATX7006 power up status information |
ATX7006_POWERUPSTATUS COUNT? | Return no. of available status lines |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 system.
During power-up the ATX7006 firmware checks the hardware for errors and warnings. These messages will be shown on the ATX7006 controller display (in red), if there are any. This command returns all available warning and error messages in the format: status code, status message, source of the error, card location or -1 if not applicable, card id or 0 if not applicable.
ATX7006_REBOOT | Reboot the ATX7006
ATX7006_REBOOT | reboots the ATX7006 system |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 test system.
The command shuts down the operation system, resets and reboots the complete system. The module FPGAs are not reloaded.
Related command: ATX7006_SHUTDOWN
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON | Resource monintor information
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON? | Returns all resource information items (log size) |
ATX7006_RESOURCEMONCOUNT? | returns log size,currently available items |
ATX7006_RESOURCEMONn? | returns item n |
This command applies to: The ATX7006 controller.
This command returns the items: CPU usage firmware, CPU usage system, memory load. Units of all three items are percent (%). Each item is logged with the ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERV time after startup of the firmware. The log size and the currently number of available items is returned by ATX7006_RESOURCEMONCOUNT?. The most recent information is available with the command ATX7006_RESOURCEMON 0?. ATX7006_RESOURCEMON? returns log size items, starting with the most recent.
Related commands: ATX7006_MEMORY, ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERV
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERV | Resource monintor interval time
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERVn | Set interval time in ms. 0 for disable. 100ms minimum. |
ATX7006_RESOURCEMON_INTERV? | Returns current interval time |
This command applies to: The ATX7006 controller.
The ATX7006 resource information is updated with the interval time. The stored resource information can be queried by ATX7006_RESOURCEMON. A value of 0 will disable the resource monitor. 100 ms is the minimum interval time.
Related commands: ATX7006_MEMORY, ATX7006_RESOURCEMON
ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWARE | Restart the firmware
ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWARE | Stops then restarts the firmware application |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 test system.
The purpose of this command is to restart the firmware application, without rebooting the complete system. The firmware update wizard will use this command. The command ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWARE will be executed after all previous commands in the queue are processed. The command ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWAREFORCE will be executed immediately. It will abort the current command that is being processed.
ATX7006_SCREENCAPTURE | Make a screen capture
ATX7006_SCREENCAPTUREn | Makes a screen capture and stores bitmap in file n |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 test system.
The command stores the current screen contents as a bitmap in the "Userdata" folder. The default filename of the screen dump is screen.bmp
ATX7006_SHUTDOWN | Shutdown the ATX7006
ATX7006_SHUTDOWN | Shut down the ATX7006 |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 test system.
The command shuts down the operation system and after that the power supply, leaving the ATX7006 in standby mode.
Related command: ATX7006_REBOOT
ATX7006_TIME | ATX7006 local system time
ATX7006_TIME hh-mm-ss | sets the ATX7006 local system time |
ATX7006_TIME? | returns the current system time setting |
This command applies to: The ATX7006 controller.
ATX7006_TIME09-30-25 sets the ATX7006 local system time to 9:30.25 am
ATX7006_TIME21-30-25 sets the ATX7006 local system time to 9:30.25 pm
Related command: ATX7006_DATE
ATX7006_UPTIME | ATX7006 up time
ATX7006_UPTIME? | Returns the uptime(Switched on time) and firmware start-up time in days:hours:minutes:seconds. |
This command applies to: the ATX7006 controller.
The returned string indicates the elapsed time from start-up of the firmware and the elapsed time from system start-up. Because the system starts up after power on, the system start-up time normally represents the time that the ATX7006 is powered on. The ATX7006_REBOOT command affects both ATX-on time firmware running time, while ATX7006_RESTARTFIRMWARE commands only affects the firmware running time.
ATX7006_UPTIME? returns
00d:05h:18m:00s ATX7006 on
00d:01h:19m:01s Firmware running
In this example, the firmware has restarted 1hour and 19 minutes ago, while the system already runs for 5 hours and 18 minutes.
AWG20 specific command(s)
AWG20_SMOD | AWG20 Signal module configuration
AWG20_SMODn,o | Configures the Signal module types installed on the AWG20 module. |
AWG20_SMODn? | returns the configured the Signal module type. |
n=Signal module path n=1..8 | |
o=signal conditioning function code | |
o=0 no signal function installed | |
o=1 40kHz Active 4-pole Butterworth low pass filter | |
o=2 200kHz Active 4-pole Butterworth low pass filter | |
AWG20_SMODn? | Returns the signal conditioning function code for path n. |
This command applies to: AWG20 module.
This command is obsolete for AWG20 driver revision 2.10 and newer. Use CPATH_INFO instead.
The command configures the available signal functions on the installed signal modules. The signal module path is chosen with CPATH. The path number is set with parameter n. Each signal module carries 2 signal paths. Path number 1 and 2 are situated on signalmodule1, path number 3 and 4 are situated on signal module2, etc.
Calculations/analyzing data commands
CALC_DYN | Show/Calculate dynamic parameters
CALC_DYNn,o,p[q] | Calculate dynamic parameters (SNR, SINAD etc.) |
n = card location (0..8) | |
o = start address of the captured result | |
p = number of samples | |
q = only FFT (0 = default, samples must be power of 2) or | |
allow DFT (1, max. samples = 8000 > 60 seconds) |
This commands starts the calculation of dynamic parameters from the result array in module n. After calculation the calculation results can be read with the MR commands.
See also the article Dynamic analysis of AD and DA converters.
Not supported for the ATXExpress without calculation support.
CALC_FREEMEM | Free memory arrays used by calculations
CALC_FREEMEM[n] | Free memory arrays used by calculations |
(trip points, missing codes, spectrum etc.) | |
n=definition of what arrays to clear | |
n=0: all result arrays (default) | |
n=1 only linearity result array(s) | |
n=2 only dynamic result array(s) | |
n=3 only statistical result array(s) | |
n=4 only histogram test result array(s) |
When more than one type of calculation is performed on several measurement results, memory can be used up quickly when large arrays are used. Calculation types of the same kind overwrite each other, however, a linearity calculation for example does not overwrite dynamic calculation arrays. To free up memory space this command can be used to clear all previous calculation arrays or specific calculation arrays.
CALC_HIST | Calculate histogram test parameters
CALC_HISTn,o,p,q,r[,s,t] | Calculate histogram test parameters |
n = card location (0..8) | |
o = start address of captured result | |
p = number of samples (in case of ramp method: of each signal, excluding any possible settle steps) | |
q = Histogram test method. 0 for linear ramp method, 1 for sinusoidal method | |
r = device bits. Basically, this defines in what range code occurrences should be counted (2^r - 1) | |
s = signal repetition for linear ramp method (default 1) | |
t = settle step(s) between each signal for linear ramp test method (default 0). Settle steps will not be counted. This number of settle steps is also defined in the ramp signal definition. |
This commands starts the calculation of linearity parameters from the result array in module n. Linearity calculations can be performed on captured data from a DIO module (A/D converter test). The captured digital signal should contain all AD converter codes. It may be a clipped signal. After calculation the calculation results can be read with the corresponding MR commands.
More information about AD converter histogram testing can be found here.
Not supported for the ATXExpress without calculation support.
CALC_LIN | Calculate linearity parameters
CALC_LINn,o,p[,q,r] | Calculate linearity parameters (INLE, offset, gain etc.) |
n = card location (0..8) | |
o = start address of captured results (start of ramp including the settle conversions) | |
p = number of samples of 1 ramp (excluding the settle conversions) | |
q = averages (default 1) | |
r = settle conversions between ramps (default 0) |
This commands starts the calculation of linearity parameters from the result array in module n. Linearity calculations can be performed on captured data from a DIO module (A/D converter test) or a WFD (D/A converter test). After calculation the calculation results can be read with the corresponding MR commands.
Parameter p (number of samples of 1 ramp) must be equal to parameter s (number of samples of supplied signal) of command CALCPARAM_LIN_DA for DA calculations.
More information about linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
Not supported for the ATXExpress without calculation support.
CALC_STAT_COUNT | Calculate statistical array
CALC_STAT_COUNTn,o,p[,q,r,s] | Calculate statistical array (code occurrences) |
n = card location (0..8) | |
o = start address of captured result | |
p = number of samples (of each signal, excluding any possible settle steps) | |
q = mask (default 0xFF). Basically, this defines in what range code occurrences should be counted. In the default setting, the occurrence of codes from 0x0 to 0xFF are counted. | |
r = signal repetition (default 1) | |
s = settle step(s) between each signal (default 0). Settle steps will not be counted. This number of settle steps is also defined in the ramp signal definition. |
related commands: MR_STAT_DATA, MR_STAT_DATA_BIN
CALCOPT_DYN | Dynamic Calculation options
CALCOPT_DYNn[,o,p,q] | Options for dynamic calculations |
CALCOPT_DYN? | returns the current settings of the calculation options |
n = windowing: | |
0 : rectangle (no window, default) | |
1 : Hanning | |
2 : Hamming | |
3 : Flat Top | |
4 : Blackman Harris | |
5 : Rife Vincent 1 | |
6 : Rife Vincent 2 | |
7 : Rife Vincent 3 | |
8 : Rife Vincent 4 | |
o = number of harmonics (default 7) | |
p = exclude bin from harmonics if below this level (and add this bin to noise) (default -1.79e+308 dB) | |
q = exclude noise above level (default 0 dB) |
related commands: CALCOPT_DYN_EXT, CALC_DYN
See the article Signal windowing for information about windowing.
CALCOPT_DYN_EXT | Extended dynamic Calculation options
CALCOPT_DYN_EXTn[,o,p,q,r,s] | Extended options for dynamic calculations |
CALCOPT_DYN_EXT? | returns the current settings of the extended calculation options |
n = Offset removal | |
n = 0 : Do not remove offset from signal | |
n = 1 : Remove offset from signal | |
o = Spectrum type: | |
o = 0 : dB (default) | |
o = 1 : Voltage/code peak | |
o = 2 : Voltage/code rms | |
o = 3 : phase (degrees) | |
o = 4 : phase (radians) | |
o = 5 : Im parts | |
o = 6 : Re parts | |
p = Reference level: | |
p = 0 : Carrier (bin with highest amplitude) is 0 dB (default) | |
p = 1 : Custom reference level is imaginary reference (=carrier). Non of the spectrum bins is carrier | |
p = 2 : Custom level is 0 dB | |
q = Custom reference level (peak value) | |
r = Start bin for parameter calculations (default 0) | |
s = Last bin for parameter calculations (default 0 = use all bins) |
related commands: CALCOPT_DYN, CALC_DYN
See also the article Dynamic analysis of A/D and D/A converters.
CALCOPT_HIST | Histogram test calculation options
CALCOPT_HISTn[,o] | Calculation options for histogram test calculations |
CALCOPT_HIST? | returns the current settings of the calculation options |
n = error plot calculation (command MR_HIST_ERR): | |
n = -1 : no error plot, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 0 : end point (default) | |
n = 1 : best fit | |
n = 2 : TUE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 3 : DNLE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
o = error parameter reference for n = -1, 2 or 3: | |
o = 0 : error parameters are based on End Point line | |
o = 1 : error parameters are based on Best Fit line |
More information about histogram testing can be found here.
More information about linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCOPT_LIN_AD | A/D test linearity Calculation options
CALCOPT_LIN_ADn[,o,p,q,r] | Calculation options for A/D test linearity calculations |
CALCOPT_LIN_AD? | returns the current settings of the calculation options |
n = error plot calculation (command MR_LIN_ERR_AD): | |
n = -1 : no error plot, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 0 : end point (default) | |
n = 1 : best fit | |
n = 2 : TUE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 3 : DNLE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
o = error parameter reference for n = -1, 2 or 3: | |
o = 0 : error parameters are based on End Point line | |
o = 1 : error parameters are based on Best Fit line | |
p = trippoint search method | |
p = 0 : search method | |
p = 1 : sort codes method | |
q = Start of ramp clipping: | |
exclude percent of raw ramp data at the beginning of the ramp (default 0%) | |
r = End of ramp clipping: | |
exclude percent of raw ramp data at the end of the ramp (default 0%) |
More information about AD converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCOPT_LIN_DA | D/A test linearity Calculation options
CALCOPT_LIN_DAn[,o] | Calculation options for D/A test linearity calculations |
CALCOPT_LIN_DA? | returns the current settings of the calculation options |
n = error plot calculation (command MR_LIN_ERR_DA): | |
n = -1 : no error plot, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 0 : end point (default) | |
n = 1 : best fit | |
n = 2 : TUE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
n = 3 : DNLE, error parameters are determined by the next parameter | |
o = error parameter reference for n = -1, 2 or 3: | |
o = 0 : error parameters are based on End Point line | |
o = 1 : error parameters are based on Best Fit line |
More information about DA converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
related commands: CALC_LIN, CALCPARAM_LIN_DA
CALCPARAM_HIST | Parameters for histogram test calculations
CALCPARAM_HISTn,o | Parameters for histogram test calculations |
CALCPARAM_HIST? | returns the current settings of the calculation parameters |
n = ADC minimum scale voltage (default 0V) | |
o = ADC full scale voltage (default 5V) |
The ADC minimum scale and full scale values are only useful for correct absolute values for the trippoints voltages returned by the command MR_HIST_TRP. The histogram calculation returns still valid DNL and INL errors parameters if the actual ADC minimum scale and full scale are different. So these parameters are optional.
More information about histogram testing can be found here.
More information about ADC linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCPARAM_HIST_EXT | Extended parameters for histogram test calculations
CALCPARAM_HIST_EXTn | Extended parameters for histogram test calculations |
CALCPARAM_HIST_EXT? | returns the current settings of the extended calculation parameters |
n = 1/2 LSB offset shift(1) or no shift (0 = default) |
This parameter is only useful for correct absolute values for the trippoint voltages returned by the command MR_HIST_TRIP. The histogram calculation returns still valid DNL and INL errors parameters if the actual lsb offset shift is different. So this is an optional parameter.
More information about histogram testing can be found here.
More information about AD converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD | Parameters for A/D test linearity calculations
CALCPARAM_LIN_ADn,o,p,q[,r,s,t] | Parameters for A/D test linearity calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD? | returns the current settings of the calculation parameters |
n = number of ADC bits (default 8) | |
o = ADC minimum scale voltage (default 0V) | |
p = ADC full scale voltage (default 5V) | |
q = applied source: | |
q = 0 for user configured (e.g. external) | |
q = 1..8 for used AWG module | |
The default number for q is the first (lowest) AWG slot number of the system | |
If q=0 the next 3 parameters must be configured: | |
r = start voltage of applied ramp (default 0V) | |
s = end voltage of applied ramp (default 5V) | |
t = total no. of LSB steps that the DAC (AWG module) has between ramp's start- and end-voltage. (default 1048576 = 20 bit resolution) |
More information about linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXT | Extended parameters for A/D test linearity calculations
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXTn[,o,p,q] | Extended parameters for A/D linearity calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXT? | returns the current settings of the extended calculation parameters |
n = 1/2 LSB offset shift(1) or no shift (0 = default) | |
o = Differential (1) or single ended (0) ADC | |
p = Gain factor (default 1.0), DUT in = (Vsource - Offset)*Gain | |
q = Offset (default 0.0), DUT in = (Vsource - Offset)*Gain |
Parameter o is reserved/don’t care for firmware revision 1.25 and lower. For firmware revision 1.26 and higher it is only relevant if parameter q of CALCPARAM_LIN_AD selects the applied AWG during the linearity test. In case of a differential DUT the common mode output offset (COV) is not relevant and the DUT input voltage is the difference between the positive and negative AWG output (differential output voltage). In case of a single ended DUT the input voltage is calculated at the positive AWG output, including the output offset voltage (COV).
More information about linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
CALCPARAM_LIN_DA | Parameters for D/A test linearity calculations
CALCPARAM_LIN_DAn,o,p,q,r,s[,t,u] | Parameters for D/A test linearity calculations |
CALCPARAM_LIN_DA? | returns the current settings of the calculation parameters |
n = number of DUT bits (default 8) | |
o = DUT minimum scale voltage (default 0V) | |
p = DUT full scale voltage (default 5V) | |
q = start code of supplied signal (default 0) | |
r = end code of supplied signal (default 0xFF) | |
s = no. of samples of supplied signal (default 256) | |
t = Gain factor (default 1.0), Capture in = (VDUT*Gain) + Offset | |
u = Offset (default 0.0), Capture in = (VDUT*Gain) + Offset |
More information about linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
related commands: CALC_LIN, CALCOPT_LIN_DA
Common module/card commands
CC | Card Connect
CCn[,o] | Set connection of the selected Card |
CC? | Return current Card connect setting |
This command applies to: all modules that have gate relays.
The currently selected module output may be switched by this command. This command only affects the module gate relays. In case of a two channel module like the dual reference source or the dual power supply module, the CCHANNEL command determines which channel of the card is switched. The connection type is set by the connection parameter n. The available connection types are card dependant. The range and possible filter path settings are set with separate commands CRA and CPATH.
DRS20 modulen | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected, GND pin remains connected |
1 | 4 wire mode connection |
2 | 2 wire mode connection |
3 | connection mode for voltage measurement (see DRS20_MV?) |
DPS16 module
n | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected, GND pin is disconnected as well |
1 | 4 wire mode connection |
2 | 2 wire mode connection |
AWG16 module
n | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected |
1 | Both Differential outputs Connected with 50 ohms output impedance |
AWG18 module
n | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected |
1 | Differential outputs connected with 50 ohm output impedance |
2 | Single connected with 50 ohm output impedance, HF path only |
AWG20 and AWG22 module
n | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected |
1 | Differential outputs connected, low output impedance GND Sense active |
2 | Differential outputs connected,50 ohms output impedance GND Sense active |
3 | Differential outputs connected, low output impedance GND Sense internally connected |
4 | Differential outputs connected, 50 ohms output impedance GND Sense internally connected |
WFD20 module
n | Status of + input | Status of - input |
0 | Disconnected | Disconnected |
1 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND |
2 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to DC base line |
3 | Connected to front connector | Connected to front connector |
4 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Connected to front connector |
5 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to DC base line |
6 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND |
7 | Connected to front connector | GND sense for DC offset voltage, internally to DC Offset voltage |
WFD22 module
n | Status of + input | Status of - input |
1 - 6, high impedance (100MOhm) input connection: | ||
0 | Disconnected | Disconnected |
1 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND |
2 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to DC base line |
3 | Connected to front connector | GND sense for DC offset voltage, internally to DC Offset voltage |
4 | Connected to front connector | Connected to front connector |
5 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Connected to front connector |
6 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to DC base line |
7 - 11, low impedance (<1kOhm) input connection: | ||
7 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND |
8 | Connected to front connector | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to DC base line |
9 | Connected to front connector | GND sense for DC offset voltage, internally to DC Offset voltage |
10 | Connected to front connector | Connected to front connector |
11 | Disconnected from front connector. Internally connected to AGND | Connected to front connector |
WFD16 module
n configures the positive input, o the negative input. If o (negative input) is omited, o will have the same value as n.
n and/or o | Connection type |
0 | Disconnected |
1 | Connect 50 ohms DC |
2 | Connect 50 ohms AC |
3 | Connect 10 kohms DC |
4 | Connect 10 kohms AC |
5 | Connect to DC base |
6 | Connect to GND |
CCAL_ADC24_CA | Card Calibration Array for on board 24 bit ADC
CCAL_ADC24_CAn,o,p | Card Calibration Array |
This command is for factory calibration purposes only
CCAL_ADC24_MEAS | Card Calibration Measure with on board 24 bit ADC
This command is for factory calibration purposes only
CCAL_DATE | Card Calibration Date
CCAL_DATEyy,mm,dd | Card Calibration Date |
CCAL_DATE? | read card calibration date |
This command applies to: all modules that can be calibrated.
After calibration of a module, it is possible to store the calibration date in the module eeprom. With this command the calibration date can be stored and read. A calibration date is stored in each individual module
2CCAL_DATE09,03,14 store the calibration date "march 14, 2009"" into card2 eeprom.
CCAL_REPORT | Request card calibration report
CCAL_REPORT[n]? | Request card calibration report. Optional parameter to request only one report line number n |
CCAL_REPORTCOUNT? | Returns the number of available report lines |
This command applies to: all modules that can be calibrated.
During a card auto calibration, a report is generated holing detailed calibration information. With CCAL_REPORT the calibration data can be requested from the card.
Request a calibration report from a DPS module in cardslot4: 4CCAL_REPORT?
- Last calibration date: 09-01-27
- Last calibration temperature: 24.8 C
- Channel: 1
- Load Resistor: 50.016998 Ohm
- ADC Code at -10.000000 V: 0x16F4
- ADC Code at 0.0 V: 0x7FA3
- ADC Code at 10.000000 V: 0xE84A
- DAC Code at -10.000000 V: 0x16AB
- DAC Code at 0.0 V: 0x8001
- DAC Code at 10.000000 V: 0xE94D
- ADC Code at 5.000000 V and load resistor: 0xB2FF
- ADC Code at 0.0 V and no load resistor: 0x7F4A
- ADC Code at -5.000000 V and load resistor: 0x4C02
- Current Limit Code at 20.0 mA: 0x59
- Current Limit Code at 100.0 mA: 0x1CF
- Channel: 2
- etc.
4CCAL_REPORT COUNT? returns 28
4CCAL_REPORT5? returns ADC Code at 0.0 V: 0x7FA3
CCAL_RES | Card Calibration Resistor value
CCAL_RESn | Card Calibration Resistor value |
This command applies to: DPS module calibration.
This command is for factory calibration purposes only
CCAL_START | Perform card calibration
CCAL_START[n] | Perform card calibration |
n=display calibration progress | |
n = 0 No calibration progress information displayed | |
n = 1 Calibration progress information displayed on ATX7006 display | |
n = 2 Calibration progress information on active communication channel | |
n = 3 Calibration progress information on active communication channel and displayed on ATX7006 display |
This command applies to: all modules that can be auto calibrated.
The command starts the auto calibration sequence for the selected module. For auto calibration the reference DAC is used as accurate voltage source. It is recommended to run an auto calibration on this reference card preceding the calibration on another module. The calibration progress can optionally be displayed on the ATX7006 controller module display or on the active communication channel. With the optional parameter n the display of progress information is selected.
related commands: CCAL_STORE, CCAL_V, CCAL_RES
CCAL_STORE | Store calibration data to eeprom
CCAL_STORE | Store calibration data to eeprom |
This command applies to: all modules that can be auto calibrated.
related commands: CCAL_START, CCAL_V, CCAL_DATE
CCAL_V | Card Calibration Voltage(s)
CCAL_Vn[,o] | Card Calibration Voltage(s) |
CCAL_V? | return Card Calibration Voltage(s) |
This command applies to: DRS20 and DIO module.
DRS20: With this command, the actual fixed reference voltage value is defined (appr. 7.2V).
DIO in "normal" mode: The calibration of the programmable digital IO levels.
CCHANNEL | Select Card Channel
CCHANNELn | select Card Channel |
CCHANNEL? | returns the currently selected channel |
n= channel selector | |
n=1 select channel 1 | |
n=2 select channel 2 |
This command applies to: all modules that have more than one channel (like DRS20 and DPS16).
If a module has more than one channel, channel configuration commands apply to the channel selected with this command. For example the range selection, filter selection, gate relay connection or stimulus definition.
Example: A dual reference source module is situated in slot 3. Channel 1 should be programmed to +2.50Volts and two wire connected, channel 2 should be programmed to -3Volts and should be two wire connected:
CSELECT3 | (select card in slot 3) |
cchannel1;cv2.5;cc1 | (select channel 1, program 2.5 volts and connect 4 wire) |
cchannel2;cv-3;cc1 | (select channel 1, program 3 volts and connect 4 wire) |
related commands: CSELECT
CCLKDIV | Card clock divider
CCLKDIVn[,o] | set card clock divider to value n |
CCLKDIV? | returns the card clock divider value |
This command applies to: DIO and DPS16 module.
DIO: The clock divider is situated between clock source and clock mux (not for HSI1 as clock source). Note that the divided clock is input to the Pattern bit clock divider for the DIO in "normal" mode. n=1,2,4,8 or 16 for the DIO module without PLL and n=1..32 for the DIO with PLL board (FPGA revision 5 in low speed mode). The clock frequency should not exceed 100MHz in low speed mode and 200MHz in high speed mode. Odd divider values for high clock values should be avoided.
DPS16: The DPS has 1Mhz clock source for generating stimulus on the output voltage. From this clock source the sample clock is derived to run the stimulus. With the clock divider programmable between n=1...1048576 a sample clock between 1MHz and 0.954Hz can be set.
CCLK_LEVEL | Card clock threshold level
CCLK_LEVELn | set external/front clock threshold level |
CCLK_LEVEL? | returns the clock threshold level |
n=threshold level selector | |
n=0 threshold level of 1V (TTL mode) | |
n=1 threshold level of 0V (AC mode) |
This command applies to: AWG16 and WFD16 module.
The minimal swing around the threshold level is 100mVpp. The maximum swing around the threshold level is 10Vpp.
related command: CCS
CCONT | Set module in continuous mode
CCONTn | Select module continuous mode |
CCONT? | returns the current module continuous mode setting |
n=continuous mode selector | |
n=0 normal operation : count SL and ML counters | |
n=1 Set module in continuous operation mode |
This command applies to: DIO, AWG20, AWG16 and DPS16.
When a module is set in measurement mode(CMODE command) and is triggered, it starts generating or capturing. In normal operation, the measurement stops when the settle loop counters and the measurement loop counters have counted down to zero. In continuous mode the module does not count settle or measurement loops, but runs until the module trigger is switched of or the module is put back in configuration mode(CMODE).
related commands: CMODE, CTRIG_STATUS, CSL, CML
CCS | Card clock Source
CCSn[,o] | Select the Card Clock Source |
CCS? | Returns the currently selected clock source |
This command applies to: generating and capturing modules with an external clock source.
The setting for n and optional parameter o is dependent of the module type of the currently selected module. Optional parameter o switches (enables) the selected clock to the backplane. When switched to the backplane, the clock may be used as clock source for the DIO pattern generator. On the DIO this command selects the clock source for the Pattern bit generator. The clock source of the DIO stimulus memory is derived from one of the dedicated Pattern bit channels.
DIO in "normal" mode: | n=0 internal 200MHz clock |
n=1 Front clock | |
n=2 Backplane clock | |
n=3 HSI1 | |
n=4 internal 120MHz clock | |
n=5 internal 140MHz clock | |
n=6 internal 160MHz clock | |
n=7 internal 180MHz clock | |
n=8 PLL clock using internal 10MHz oscillator as reference* | |
n=9 PLL clock using front clock as reference* |
DIO in high speed mode: | n=0 internal 200MHz clock |
n=1 Front clock | |
n=2 Backplane clock | |
n=3 internal 120MHz clock | |
n=4 internal 140MHz clock | |
n=5 internal 160MHz clock | |
n=6 internal 180MHz clock | |
n=7 PLL clock using internal 10MHz oscillator as reference** | |
n=8 PLL clock using front clock as reference** |
- * Only for low speed DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 5
- ** Only for high speed DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 4
The PLL frequency can be adjusted with the command DIO_PLL_FREQ
On all other modules, this setting selects the clock source for the stimulus memory counter:
AWG20 and AWG22: | n=0 Stimulus clock from backplane (derived from Pattern bit channel) |
n=1 Front clock | |
o=0 Selected clock not switched to the backplane | |
o=1 Selected clock switched to the backplane |
AWG16 and AWG18: | n=0 Stimulus clock from backplane (derived from Pattern bit channel or high speed DIO clock) |
n=1 Front clock | |
o=0 Selected clock not switched to the backplane | |
o=1 Selected clock switched to the backplane. |
For the AWG16 this commands also switches the trigger (or clock enable) selection between software trigger (n=0) and front trigger (n=1). The command CTRIG is not available for this module. The threshold level of the clock is adjustable with the command CCLK_LEVEL. The threshold level of the trigger (or enable) is adjustable with the command CTRIG_LEVEL.
WFD20 and WFD22: | n=0 Capture clock from backplane (derived from Pattern bit channel) |
n=1 Front clock | |
o=0 Selected clock not switched to the backplane | |
o=1 Selected clock switched to the backplane. |
WFD16: | n=0 Capture clock from backplane (derived from Pattern bit channel or high speed DIO clock) |
n=1 Front clock | |
o=0 Selected clock not switched to the backplane | |
o=1 Selected clock switched to the backplane. |
For the WFD16 this commands also switches the trigger (or clock enable) selection between software trigger (n=0) and front trigger (n=1). The command CTRIG is not available for this module. The threshold level of the clock is adjustable with the command CCLK_LEVEL. The threshold level of the trigger (or enable) is adjustable with the command CTRIG_LEVEL.
0CCS1 | Switches the DIO clock source to the (external) front clock. |
CCS? | returns "0" |
CID? | Card Identification
CID? | Card Identification |
This command applies to: all installed modules.
Returns the card identification number in hex.
bit 0 to 7 reflects the Module ID
ID range | Module class | Module type/mode |
0x00-0x0F | DIO module | 0x01 DIO low speed mode, 0x02 High speed mode capture, 0x03 Highspeed mode Stimuli |
0x10-0x1F | Generator modules | 0x11 = AWG20, 0x12 = Reserved, 0x13 = AWG16, 0x14 = AWG18, 0x15 = AWG22 |
0x20-0x2F | Digitizer modules | 0x21 = WFD20, 0x22 = Reserved, 0x23 = WFD16, 0x24 = WFD22 |
0x30-0x3F | Power DAC modules | 0x31=DPS16 |
0x40-0x4F | Reference DAC modules | 0x41=Dual Reference DAC |
0x50-0x5F | Miscellaneous modules |
bit 8 to 11 reflects the Printed wire Assembly number (4 bits Selectable on PCB)
bit 12 to 15 reflects PWB Printed wire Board number (PCB Revision)
bit 16 to 23 reflects the FPGA revision number
example: for the DPS module, CID? returns: 0x011031
CINFO? | Card Information
CINFO? | Return Card Information |
This command returns the following card information:
- Card Identification number
- Driver version
- NA
- JTAG address
- Module name
all separated by commas.
example: for the DPS module at location 2, CINFO? returns: 0x011031,1.0,NA,0x2F,DPS16
CLC | Card latency counter
CLCn | Card latency counter. n = latency, default value 0 |
CLC? | Returns the address counter contents in decimal format |
The latency counter is a 24 bits wide counter, so a latency from 0 to 16777215 can be programmed. For capturing modules, the latency counter counts down from programmed number of latency samples before the capture memory address counter starts. As long as the latency counter has not counted down to zero, the memory address counter does not increment. This way, the actual start of the capturing can be delayed for a number of samples. For a the DIO in stimulus mode, the latency counter starts after the stimulus memory address counter has reached its end address. This allows DIO clock generation to continue even after the DIO is finished generating its programmed pattern, so the capturing device (WFD) receives enough clocks to capture the samples that are still in the pipeline.
CMEMA | Set card memory address counter
CMEMAn | Set card memory address counter |
CMEMA? | Returns the address counter contents in hexadecimal format |
The command directly writes the memory address counter of the stimulus or capturing memory. Prior to each measurement, this counter should be initiated with the address location from which the stimulus starts or from which the captured data is to be stored. Direct read and write from and to the module memory are done to the address pointed with the address counter. After a write or read action, the address counter increments automatically.
Example: | |
CMEMA0 | set address counter to address 0 |
CMEMA? | Returns 0x000000 |
CMEML0x10 | store value 0x10 to address 0, address counter increments automatically |
CMEMA? | Returns 0x000011 |
CMEMD | Dump card memory locations
CMEMDn[,o] | Dump n (dec.) card memory locations |
n = number of memory locations to dump | |
o = optional separator, default CR |
The memory contents are dumped starting from the address, currently loaded in the memory address counter. The number of memory locations dumped is set with parameter n. Optionally, a separator character can be defined with parameter o. The dumped memory data is in hexadecimal format.
Example: | |
0CMEMA100 | set DIO(card loaction 0) memory address counter to address 100dec |
CMEMD5 | dump 5 data locations |
can return: | |
0x000001 content of address 100dec | |
0x000002 content of address 101dec | |
0x000003 content of address 102dec | |
0x000004 content of address 103dec | |
0x000005 content of address 104dec | |
CMEMA? | returns the current memory address counter value: 0x000069 = 105dec |
CMEMD_BIN | Dump card memory locations Binary
This is the binary version of CMEMD, with the same parameters.
This command returns a binary stream of n values. The values are 32-bit unsigned integers.
CMEML | Load card memory
CMEMLd1,d2,etc | CMEMLd1,d2,etc. Load card memory with d1(hex), d2(hex), etc. |
To load the memory of the currently selected card with data, this command may be used. The data is stored from the memory location currently loaded in the memory address counter. The address counter is incremented after each write operation.
Example: | |
CMEMA0 | set addresscounter to address 0 |
CMEML12,14,17,28 | load values 12,14,17 and 28 starting from address 0. |
CMEMA? | now reads 4 |
CMEMR | Read card memory
CMEMRn | Read card memory |
n = address |
To read one data element from the module memory. Address n is loaded into the memory address counter. The address counter is incremented after the read operation.
Example: | |
CMEMR0x10 | returns "0x00FEFFFF" |
CMEMA? | now reads 0x000011 |
CMEMW | Write card memory
CMEMWn,o | Write card memory |
n = address | |
o = data |
To write one data element to the module memory. Address n is loaded into the memory address counter. The address counter is incremented after the write operation.
Example: | |
CMEMW0x10,0x0AA55 | writes AA55hex into the module memory at address 10hex |
CMEMA? | now reads 0x000011 |
CMEM_END | Set stimulus memory end address
CMEM_ENDn | Set stimulus memory end address of selected card |
CMEM_END? | Returns the stimulus memory end address |
the value returned is hexadecimal |
The End address is the last address that is loaded in the stimuli address counter before returning to the "return-to" address.
NOTE1: the end-address is always one smaller than the number of stimulus steps.
NOTE2: In case of a ramp signal, the number of stimulus steps is the sum of settle conversions and ramp step.
CMEM_END= CMEM_RET + (Stimulussteps-1)
Example: | |
CMEM_END127 | set stimulus end address to 127dec |
CMEM_END? | returns 0x00007F |
CMEM_RET | Set card memory return to address
CMEM_RETn | Set the stimulus memory "return-to" address |
CMEM_RET? | Returns the stimuli memory "return-to" address. |
the value returned is hexadecimal |
The Return to address is the address that is loaded in the stimuli address counter when the address counter reaches the stimulus end address. By default the address is 0. For the DPS module, this command is not applicable. The return to address of this card is always 0 .
Example: | |
CMEM_RET10 | set stimulus end address to 10dec |
CMEM_RET? | returns 0x00000A |
CMF | Card memory fill
CMF[n,o,p] | Fill the card memory with signal item |
n=signal item, default 0 | |
o=Memory offset address (default 0) | |
p=Logic shift of digital codes (default 0) |
The stimulus memory of the selected module is filled with one of the 10 signal items (0..9) One signal item holds one or more signal definitions, defined with the SIGNAL and SIGNAL_ADD command. Optionally an offset address can be specified. This defines the start address of the storage location in the stimulus memory. When needed, the digital codes written to the stimulus memory can be logically shifted with shift parameter p. For a left shift (least significant bits are loaded with 0) a negative shift value should be given. This feature can be used for (serial) DA converters that do not use the least significant bits of the applied data. Note: The DIO memory has a data mask option to add "static" bits to the stimulus data. Refer to the command descriptions for DIO_ANDMASK, or DIO_XORMASK.
For generating signals with an AWG module and high signal frequencies relative to the samplefrequency, please be aware of the DAC frequency response. An online sinc calculator can be found here.
To store signalitem2 into card2 from memory address 400hex: 2CMF2,0x400
To store signalitem0 into the DIO (card0) from memory address 0hex but with a left shift of two bits: 0CMF0,0,-2
CML | Card measurement loop counter
CMLn | Set the number of measurement loops |
CML? | Return the current number of measurement loops the value returned is decimal. |
During a measurement loop, the stimulus memory contents between the stimulus return-to and end address are output to the DUT. The number of times this stimulus is repeated while converted data is captured is defined by the Stimulus Measurement loop Counter setting in the generating module. In a capturing module, CML is normally set to only one loop. Note that the capture memory size is limited. When the number of results recorded in the capture memory exceeds the memory size, the capture memory address counter stops, and the capturing of data will be terminated. It is possible to define a number of settle loops (command CSL) before the actual measurement loops start.
CMODE | Card Mode
CMODEn | set card operation mode |
n = 0 Configuration mode | |
n=1 measurement mode |
This command applies to: DIO, AWG, WFD and DPS modules.
In configuration mode, the module can accessed from the ATX backplane. The module can be initialized or measurement results can be read from the module memory. To perform a measurement with the module, it is necessary to switch the card to the so called measurement mode. When the card is set in measurement mode, instrument memory cannot be accessed. In case of the DPS, the channel(s) need to be enabled for signal generation, before the module is set in measurement mode (see DPS16_ESG )
COPMODE | Card operation mode
COPMODEn | set Card operation mode n, where n = 0 .. 1 |
COPMODE? | Returns the card operation mode of the selected card |
This command applies to: DRS20 and WFD20 modules.
This command sets the operational mode of the currently selected module.
DRS20 (dual reference source)
n = 0 | static: module output voltage is not controlled by an ADC |
n = 1 | (default value) controlled mode : the module output levels are controlled with an ADC |
Note: the setting for n influences both channels. When the DRS20 module is in static, the module does not change the output voltage on receipt of a CV command.
WFD20 (20 bit waveform digitizer)
n = 0 | (default) normal mode (fs < 1.5MHz) |
n = 1 | warp mode (1kHz < fs < 2.0 MHz) |
COV | Card offset voltage
COVn[,o] | Card offset DAC voltage |
COV? | returns the quantified offset voltage |
This command applies to: AWG16, AWG18 AWG20, AWG22, WFD16, WFD20 and WFD22 modules.
Many modules have a offset DAC. This DAC is programmed using the COV command. The AWG18 supports a separate output offset voltage for the positive (n) and negative output (o). o will be equal to n if o is omited.
Module | Range (±) |
AWG16 | 2.56 V |
AWG18 | 2.56 V |
AWG20 | 5.12 V |
AWG22 | 5.10 V |
WFD16 | 5.00 V |
WFD20 | 5.00 V |
WFD22 | 5.00 V |
Example: | |
COV1.945 | COV1.945 sets the DC baseline DAC of the selected module to 1.945 Volts |
COV? | returns "1.944998" (a quantified value of the given voltage) |
related commands: CV
CPATH | Card signal path
CPATHn | Select Card Filter in the signal path |
This command applies to: AWG20, AWG16, WFD16 and WFD20 modules.
The command selects the filter or signal path.
The setting for n is module specific. On the AWG20, a maximum number of 8 signal paths over 4 signal modules can be chosen. The number and type of the installed signal modules are(factory) configured with command AWG20_SMOD or CPATH_INFO. On the WFD module the path command selects one of the three filters or a filter bypass.
AWG22 | n=0 bypass signal/filter module |
n=1 signal/filter1 module1 (default 1.2kHz LPF) | |
n=2 signal/filter2 module1 (default 12kHz LPF) | |
n=3 signal/filter1 module2 (default 40kHz LPF) | |
n=4 signal/filter2 module2 (default 200kHz LPF) | |
n=5 signal/filter1 module3 | |
n=6 signal/filter2 module3 | |
n=7 signal/filter1 module4 | |
n=8 signal/filter2 module4 |
AWG20 | n=0 bypass signal/filter module |
n=1 signal/filter1 module1 (default 1.2kHz LPF) | |
n=2 signal/filter2 module1 (default 12kHz LPF) | |
n=3 signal/filter1 module2 (default 40kHz LPF) | |
n=4 signal/filter2 module2 (default 200kHz LPF) | |
n=5 signal/filter1 module3 | |
n=6 signal/filter2 module3 | |
n=7 signal/filter1 module4 | |
n=8 signal/filter2 module4 |
AWG16 | n=0 bypass filter |
n=1 15MHz LPF | |
n=2 30MHz LPF | |
n=3 60MHz LPF |
AWG18 | n=0 bypass filter |
n=1 LF Path filter 1 (default 15MHz LPF) | |
n=2 LF Path fiter 2 (default 30MHz LPF) | |
n=10 HF Path Bypass filter | |
n=11 HF Path filter 1 (default 117MHz LPF) | |
n=12 HF Path filter 2 (default 80MHz LPF) | |
n=13 HF Path filter 3 (default 56MHz LPF) | |
n=14 HF Path filter 4 (default 38MHz LPF) | |
n=15 HF Path filter 5 (default 25MHz LPF) | |
n=16 HF Path filter 6 (default 17MHz LPF) | |
n=17 HF Path filter 7 (default Empty) |
WFD22 | n=0 not connected |
n=1 bypass filters | |
n=2 500kHz LPF | |
n=3 250kHz LPF | |
n=4 40kHz LPF |
WFD20 | n=0 not connected |
n=1 bypass filters | |
n=2 800kHz LPF | |
n=3 250kHz LPF | |
n=4 40kHz LPF |
WFD16 | n=0 bypass filter |
n=1 15Mhz LPF | |
n=2 30Mhz LPF | |
n=3 60Mhz LPF |
related commands: CPATH_INFO, CRA
CPATH_INFO | Configure card signal path
CPATH_INFOn,o[,p] | Configure the signal path |
n = filter/signal path | |
o = short description of signal path (max. 20 chars) | |
p = optional ID for signal path (default 0) | |
CPATH_INFOn? | Returns the signal path information |
This command applies to: AWG20, AWG22, AWG18.
The command configures the name and ID of the filter or signal path. It replaces the command AWG20_SMOD for the AWG20 driver revision 2.09 or earlier. The command is implemented to make it easier to recognize the type of filter path selected on a signal module.
related command(s): CPATH
CRA | Card Range
CRAn | set Card Range |
n = card range selector | |
CRA? | returns the current value of the card range selector of The selected module |
This command applies to: Analog modules with ranging options.
The setting for n is dependent of the module type of the currently selected module.
WFD22: | n=0 10.20 Vpp (voltage between Vin- and Vin+) |
n=1 6.80 Vpp | |
n=2 5.10 Vpp | |
n=3 3.40 Vpp | |
n=4 2.55 Vpp | |
n=5 1.70 Vpp | |
n=6 1.275 Vpp | |
n=7 0.850 Vpp | |
n=8 0.6375 Vpp | |
n=9 0.4250 Vpp |
WFD20: | n=0 8.16 Vpp (voltage between Vin- and Vin+) |
n=1 5.44 Vpp | |
n=2 4.08 Vpp | |
n=3 2.72 Vpp | |
n=4 2.04 Vpp | |
n=5 1.36 Vpp | |
n=6 0.816 Vpp | |
n=7 0.544 Vpp |
WFD16: | n=0 7.68 Vpp (voltage between Vin- and Vin+) |
n= 1 6.144 Vpp | |
n= 2 5.12 Vpp | |
n= 3 4.096 Vpp | |
n= 4 3.84 Vpp | |
n= 5 3.072 Vpp | |
n= 6 2.56 Vpp | |
n= 7 2.048 Vpp | |
n= 8 1.92 Vpp | |
n= 9 1.536 Vpp | |
n=10 1.28 Vpp | |
n=11 1.024 Vpp | |
n=12 0.96 Vpp | |
n=13 0.768 Vpp | |
n=14 640mVpp | |
n=15 512mVpp |
AWG20: | n=1 10.24 Vpp (single ended output voltage) |
n=2 5.12 Vpp | |
n=3 2.56 Vpp | |
n=4 1.28 Vpp | |
n=5 0.64 Vpp | |
n=6 0.32 Vpp | |
n=7 0.16 Vpp | |
n=8 0.08 Vpp |
AWG22: | n=1 10.20 Vpp (single ended output voltage) |
n=2 5.10 Vpp | |
n=3 2.55 Vpp | |
n=4 1.2750 Vpp | |
n=5 0.6375 Vpp | |
n=6 0.3188 Vpp | |
n=7 0.1595 Vpp | |
n=8 0.0797 Vpp |
AWG16: | n=1 5.12 Vpp (single ended output voltage, no load) |
n=2 3.84 Vpp | |
n=3 2.56 Vpp | |
n=4 1.92 Vpp | |
n=5 1.28 Vpp | |
n=6 0.96 Vpp | |
n=7 0.64 Vpp | |
n=8 0.48 Vpp |
AWG18 LF Path: | n=1 6.5536 Vpp ( 0dB) (single ended output voltage, no load) |
n=2 4.6396 Vpp (- 3dB) | |
n=3 3.2846 Vpp (- 6dB) | |
n=4 2.3253 Vpp (- 9dB) | |
n=5 1.6462 Vpp (-12dB) | |
n=6 1.1654 Vpp (-15dB) | |
n=7 0.8250 Vpp (-18dB) | |
n=8 0.5841 Vpp (-21dB) |
AWG18 HF Path: | n=1 4.63/3.28 Vpp ( 0dB) (single ended/differential output voltage, no load) |
n=2 3.28/2.32 Vpp (- 3dB) | |
n=3 2.32/1.64 Vpp (- 6dB) | |
n=4 1.64/1.16 Vpp (- 9dB) | |
n=5 1.16/0.82 Vpp (-12dB) | |
n=6 0.82/0.58 Vpp (-15dB) | |
n=7 0.58/0.41 Vpp (-18dB) | |
n=8 0.41/0.29 Vpp (-21dB) |
related commands: CPATH, CPATH_INFO
CSAMPLEDIV | Card sample divider
CSAMPLEDIVn | Card sample divider. n = divider value, default set to 1 |
CSAMPLEDIV? | Returns the current sample divider setting |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The sample divider is an optional divider, that divides the CaptClk when the DIO is in capture mode. This way, the DIO capture rate can be set to dividend of the Stimulus (StimClk) frequency. A divider value between 1 and 16777215 can be set.
CSELECT | Select Card
CSELECTn | select Card(module) n, where n = 0 .. 8 |
CSELECT? | Returns currently selected card |
This command applies to: all modules installed in the ATX7006.
This command selects one of the Cards (modules). All other Card Setting commands operate on the selected Card only. Alternatively, the card can be selected by typing the card number in front of these card setting commands. This makes the CSELECT command needless. The module address is related with the backplane slot location used by the module. The DIO is always located in slot 0. The most right module slot has address 8.
Example: | |
CSELECT2 | Select the module in backplane slot 3 for further operations |
CSELECT? | Returns "3" |
2CC1 | Select module in slot 3 and execute the CC1 command (card connect) |
CSIGNALD | Dump card signal
CSIGNALDn,o[,p] | dump o samples starting from address n |
This command reads the signal from the module memory. n is the start address, o is the number of samples to dump. If the active module is analog, this command returns the actual voltage values that correspond with the stored hexadecimal values. The voltage value calculation is influenced by the actual range setting of the card. For a digital module, this command returns the contents of the memory in hexadecimal format. Optional parameter p can be used to shift a digital signal (positive value is right shift). This command can also be helpful to check the contents of a stimulus memory.
Example: |
To read back the first 5 samples from memory address 0 |
For a digital module the response can be: |
0x008000 |
0x008002 |
0x008004 |
0x008008 |
0x00800A |
For an analog module the response can be: |
0.000000 |
2.399881 |
4.800133 |
7.200015 |
9.599896 |
related commands: CMEMD
CSIGNALD_BIN | Dump card signal Binary
This is the binary version of CSIGNALD, with the same parameters.
This command returns a binary stream of n values. The values are 64-bit double when reading voltages (from analog modules), or 32-bit unsigned integers when reading digital codes (from the DIO module).
CSL | Card settle loop counter
CSLn | Card settle loop counter n settle loops (dec) |
CSL? | returns the settle loop counter setting of the selected card |
During a settle loop, the stimulus is output to the DUT. While the capturing module does NOT store the captured data results. In case of a Digitizer module the A/D converter does convert, but converted data is not stored. The number of stimuli steps within one loop is dependent of the stimulus memory settings. (CMEM_RET and CMEM_END)
Settle loops can be programmed to let filters on the test board settle. The settle loop counter is situated in both capturing and generating modules. It is recommended to program the number of settle loops to the same value in both capturing and generating module.
CTEMP? | Card Temperature
CTEMP? | get Card Temperature |
Every module has a temperature sensor that senses the temperature inside of the module. With this command the actual module temperature is returned. Optionally, the fans of the ATX can configured to a higher speed to lower the module temperature. This can be done with the PS_FANSPEED command.
CTRIG | Card trigger source and mode
CTRIGn[,o] | select trigger source and trigger mode for the currently selected module |
n=trigger source selector | |
n=0 Software trigger | |
n=1 External trigger | |
o=trigger active level selector | |
o=0 High level sensitive trigger | |
o=1 Low level sensitive trigger | |
CTRIG? | returns the actual setting of the trigger source and mode of the selected module |
This command applies to: all generating and capturing modules excluding the modules mentioned below.
When the card is put into MMODE, it is ready to start the measurement. On receipt of a trigger, the card actually starts to generate or capture. The trigger source is set with parameter n and can either be internal(from software trigger) or external (from the module front). In case of external trigger, o selects on which logic level the actual trigger occurs. The triggerlevels are 3.3V TTL compatible.
The second parameter is not available for the DIO module (both in high speed and low speed mode). This module has a high sensitive trigger input for the DIO with PLL board and a low sensitive trigger input for previous DIO versions.
This command is not available for the AWG16, AWG18 and WFD16 module. The trigger source is switched simultaneous with the clock selection (CCS). The threshold level for the AWG16, AWG18 or WFD16 module is selectable with the command CTRIG_LEVEL.
Example: | |
CTRIG1,0 | Selects the external trigger as trigger source, Trigger occurs on a high level at the trigger input |
related commands: CTRIG_STATUS, CTRIG_LEVEL, CCS
CTRIG_LEVEL | Card trigger threshold level
CTRIG_LEVELn | set card external/front trigger threshold level |
CTRIG_LEVEL? | returns the trigger threshold level |
n=threshold level selector | |
n=0 threshold level of 1V (TTL mode) | |
n=1 threshold level of 0V (AC mode) |
This command applies to: AWG16 and WFD16 module.
The minimal swing around the threshold level is 100mVpp. The maximum swing around the threshold level is 10Vpp.
The external trigger is available when the external clock source is selected. See CCS.
related command: CCS
CTRIG_STATUS | Card software trigger status
CTRIG_STATUSn | Set Card software trigger status with n=0 or 1 |
CTRIG_STATUS? | Return the current card trigger status |
When CTRIG_STATUS is set to 1, a software trigger is sent to the currently selected module. All modules have their software trigger active after initialization, except for the DIO module. During an ATX controlled test, the measurement can be started by setting all used modules in measurement mode and trigger the DIO module. Upon trigger, the DIO starts generating the capture and stimulus clocks.
related command: CTRIG
CTST | Perform card self test
CTST[n,o] | Perform card self test |
n= test type for all cards | |
n=0 Perform complete card self test | |
n=1 Perform a LED test only | |
n=2 Perform a card memory test | |
n=3 Perform a voltage test | |
o=0 Perform Capture/stimuli and Pattern bit memory test | |
o=1 Perform Capture/stimuli memory test only | |
o=2 Perform Pattern bit memory test only |
The command starts a diagnostic test on the selected module. In case of an error, the module responds with test error data. If applicable, a voltage test returns the expected and measured voltages.
Example: | |
0CTST2,1 | Start Capture/stimuli memory test only returns. "Memory test finished ok" |
0CTST | Start a complete test on the DIO module, returns "Self test ok" |
4CTST3 | Start a voltage test on card4. If this card is a DPS module the voltage test returns "Voltage test ok. Expected: 5.000000V Measured: 4.999067V" |
CV | Card Voltage
CVn | MAIN DAC Voltage |
CV? | in case of a generator card returns the actual MAIN DAC voltage. In case of a digitizer card, returns the actual input voltage |
Use this command to program MAINDAC (or signal DAC) voltage of the currently selected module. In case of a signal DAC, only one voltage can be programmed. The code programmed to the DAC is calculated using the current range setting (if applicable) of the module. If the module holds a separate offset DAC (DC-baseline DAC), the voltage programmed with the CV command is added to the programmed offset DAC voltage. (refer to the COV command)
Note: a range change (CRA) after the CV command causes the output voltage to change.
In case of a digitizer module, only the CV? command is valid. It returns the input voltage of the active WFD channel. In case of a DRS module, the card responds to the CV command only when it is in ADC controlled mode (COPMODE1). Otherwise only the desired output voltage is stored in the DAC register.
Error message command(s)
DEM | Display Error Message
DEMn[,o] | Display Error Message setting |
n=mode | |
n=0 Do not display error messages | |
n=1 Display message only when at error | |
n=2 Display error messages and acknowledge new input | |
n=3 Display error messages and acknowledge every command (including queries) | |
o=output | |
o=0 Messages only at LAN/GPIB | |
o=1 Messages at LAN/GPIB and display | |
o=2 Messages only at display |
With the Error messages setting, the response of the ATX7006 to commands can be set. By default there is no message sent back on receipt of a command. With parameter n set to 1, the ATX7006 only response with an error message when the command is not valid for the chosen module, has an invalid parameter or is unknown. With the parameter n set to 2, the ATX acknowledges a valid command received with an "ok" except for commands that come with a response anyway, like commands ending with a "?" (query command). With the parameter n set to 3, the ATX acknowledges every valid command received including query commands.
Parameter o defines where the response is indicated. By default, responses are sent over LAN and GPIB. Optionally, the response messages are displayed on the ATX controller display.
DIO specific commands
DIO_ANDMASKn | DIO AND mask between capture/stimuli memory and IO (hex) n= the DIO and mask default FFFFFFhex |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
This command defines an ANDMASK operation at the data IO pins of the DIO memory. When set, the data written to the memory is processed by the ANDMASK before memory storage. Likewise, the data that is read from the memory goes through the same process. This mask is active both in measurement mode and in configuration mode. When the AND mask is active during the measurement it is obvious that the mask is set back to the default 0xFFFFFFhex when the module is back in configuration mode.
The captured AD converter data is 16 bit wide, containing only 10 relevant databits. The 6 most significant DUT are don't care and contain only information on overflow/range etc), So, all bits, except the lower 10 bits should be masked out of the DIO data stream.
In the AND mask, all bits that are relevant should be set to logic 1. To store only the lowest 10 bits, The AND mask value should therefore be 11 1111 1111bin (= 0x3FF) Use the following command sequence:
CSELECT0 | select slot 0 which is the DIO slot by default |
-> measurement can be started | |
DIO_ANDMASK0xFFFFFF | restore the default ANDMASK: the data is not masked after the measurement |
related commands: DIO_DB, CMF, DIO_XORMASK
DIO_CLKDELAY | Set DIO clock delay
DIO_CLKDELAYn,o | Set DIO clock delay time in ns |
n = delay line selector clock: | |
n = 0 delay line in backplane capture clock | |
n = 1 delay line in backplane stimuli clock | |
n = 2 DUT/HSO connector clock | |
o = delay value: | |
a value can be set between 0 and 18.420 ns in a 10ps resolution |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
In the stimulus and capture-clock lines, there are delay lines added to fine tune the timing of the capture and stimulus-clocks. With the DIO in a high speed configuration mode, this command can control the timing relation between capture, stimulus and DUT clock. With sample frequencies from 54.4 MHz and higher, the edges of the clocks can be shifted over a whole clock period.
Note: This only sets the value of the delay-lines; skew between the different lines is not taken in account (user should do this themselves).
DIO_DB | Number of bits device under test
DIO_DBn | Number of serial IO bits used |
n = DIO shift register depth n= 1 .. 24. n=8 by default |
In case of a serial DUT, DIO_DB defines the number of used shift register stages. This is convenient when shifting data out with MSB first, or shifting data in with LSB first. If the data received has bits that do not contain converter data, a logic data mask can be configured to clear un relevant data bits. Refer to the command descriptions of DIO_XORMASK or DIO_ANDMASK for more information.
DIO_IO | Digital IO register
DIO_IOn | Digital IO register. n = data to be written |
DIO_IO? | Read the current state of the DIO data I/O lines (output mode) |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
With this command, the data value on the digital IO may be read or written. A write to the IO can be performed if the DIO data direction is set to output. The DIO_IO? command returns the previously written output data. Write actions are always parallel to the DIO IO pins, not the serial shift register.
related commands: DIO_IOMODE
DIO_IOMODEn,o | Set the DIO I/O Mode |
n (direction): | |
n=0 input | |
n=1 output | |
o (data mode): | |
4M-word/24 bit memory mode: | |
o=0 parallel | |
o=1 serial MSB first | |
o=2 serial LSB first | |
o=3 byte wise, lower and upper byte connected to D7..D0 | |
o=4 byte wise, lower byte connected to D7..D0, upper byte connected to D15..D8 (input mode only) | |
8M-word/16 bit memory mode: | |
o=10 parallel | |
o=11 serial MSB first | |
o=12 serial LSB first | |
o=13 byte wise, lower and upper byte connected to D7..D0 | |
o=14 byte wise, lower byte connected to D7..D0, upper byte connected to D15..D8 (input mode only) | |
DIO_IOMODE? | returns the current IO mode status. |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
Parameter n sets the DIO data direction. The direction is set for both operation mode as measurement mode. Parameter o sets the data mode, which is in effect only when the DIO is in measurement mode. By default the data mode is set to parallel, For serial devices, the data mode can be set to serial, MSB first or serial LSB first. Refer to section "Serial data IO" (ATX7006 manual) for a detailed description. In addition, byte wise IO mode can be chosen for converters with multiplexed parallel data transfer. Refer to section "Byte wise IO" (ATX7006 manual) for a detailed description
Mode 4 is supported for DIO FPGA revision 6 (see CID) and higher and firmware release 1.21 and higher. Modes 10.. 14 are supported for DIO FPGA revision 8 (see CID) and higher and firmware release 1.26 and higher.
DIO_IOSTATUS | Enable/Disable all DIO lines
DIO_IOSTATUSn | Enable/Disable ALL DIO lines |
n=0 Disable all DIO lines | |
n=1 Enable all DIO lines |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
All DIO connector contacts can be disconnected by means of FET switches. When DIO_IOstatus is set to 0, all connector lines are high impedance and switched off.
DIO_IOV | DIO I/O level
DIO_IOVn | Program DIO I/O level |
n = voltage (1.2V or >= 1.8V and <=3.3V ) | |
DIO_IOV? | Return the current setting of the DIO IO level |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The logic "high" voltage level of DIO digital output lines adjustable. It can be set to a 1.2 Voltage or a voltage between 1.8 and 3.3Volts.
Example | |
DIO_IOV3.2 | set the DIO I/O level to 3.2 Volts |
DIO_IOV? | returns "3.20" |
DIO_IOV1.3 | has an invalid parameter. only value 1.2 or a value between 1.8 and 3.3 V is valid. |
DIO_OPMODE | Set DIO Operation Mode
DIO_OPMODEn | Set the DIO Operation Mode |
n (mode): | |
n=0 Low speed with pattern sequencer (default) | |
n=1 High speed capture parallel (input) mode | |
n=2 High speed stimuli parallel (output) mode | |
n=3..7 Custom specific modes | |
DIO_OPMODE? | Returns Operation Mode and the reload status |
2nd parameter | |
0 = reload finished | |
1 = reload busy |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
related command: DIO_OPMODE_CONFIG
DIO_OPMODE_CONFIG | Configure DIO Operation Modes
DIO_OPMODE_CONFIGn,o | Configure DIO Operation Modes n |
DIO_OPMODE_CONFIGn? | Get DIO Operation Modes n |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The DIO Operation modes are configured at Applicos. The available operation modes can be queried with the command DIO_OPMODE_CONFIGn?. The DIO can switch from operation mode with the command DIO_OPMODE.
related command: DIO_OPMODE
DIO_PLL_DIV | Configure DIO PLL dividers
DIO_PLL_DIVn[,o,p,q,r,s,t,u] | Program DIO PLL dividers directly |
n PLL input divider on board oscillator (N31) | |
n = 1.. 524288 | |
o PLL input divider front clock (N32) | |
o = 1.. 524288 | |
p PLL high speed loop divider (N2_HS) | |
p = 4.. 11 | |
q PLL low speed loop divider (N2_LS) | |
q = 1.. 1048576, > 2 even values only | |
r PLL high speed output divider (N1_HS) | |
r = 4.. 11 | |
s PLL low speed output divider (N1_LS) | |
s = 1.. 1048576, > 2 even values only | |
t Check PLL frequency lock | |
0 = do not wait till PLL is locked | |
1 = wait till PLL is locked (default) | |
u Wait timeout in ms, default 5000ms | |
DIO_PLL_DIV? | Get DIO PLL divider values |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The DIO PLL clock frequency can be programmed using the command DIO_PLL_FREQ. This command will program the corresponding PLL dividers. For more advanced applications, the PLL dividers can be programmed directly.
The output frequency is: Fout = Fin x (N2_HS x N2_LS) / (N3 x N1_HS x N1_LS)
This command requires a DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 5 in low speed mode and FPGA revision 4 in high speed mode.
DIO_PLL_FREQ | Configure DIO PLL frequency
DIO_PLL_FREQn[,o,p] | Program DIO PLL frequency in MHZ |
n PLL output frequency | |
n = 0.002MHz (2kHz) - 945MHz | |
o Check PLL frequency lock | |
0 = do not wait till PLL is locked | |
1 = wait till PLL is locked (default) | |
p Wait timeout in ms, default 5000ms | |
DIO_PLL_FREQ? | Get DIO PLL frequency |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
Programs the PLL at a specified frequency. The maximum clock frequency (PLL frequency / divider) should not exceed the 100MHz in low speed mode or 200MHz in high speed mode.
This command requires a DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 5 in low speed mode and FPGA revision 4 in high speed mode.
DIO_PLL_LBW | Configure DIO PLL loop bandwidth
DIO_PLL_LBWn | Configure DIO PLL loop bandwidth, n = 0 .. 7 |
0 minimum loop bandwidth, maximum settle time (appr. 3 sec.) | |
7 maximum loop bandwidth, minimum settle time (milliseconds) | |
DIO_PLL_LBW? | Get DIO PLL loop bandwidth setting |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
Programs the PLL loop bandwidth. A low bandwidth (0) will result in maximum jitter attenuation of the input clock, but more jitter generation of the PLL. A high bandwidth may result in lower generation, but may result in less attenuation of jitter that might be present on the input clock signal. A lower loopbandwith will result in more settle time before the PLL output frequency is stable.
This command requires a DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 5 in low speed mode and FPGA revision 4 in high speed mode.
DIO_PLL_STATUS? | Returns DIO PLL status n,o,p |
n = PLL lock status, 1 = locked, 0 = unlocked | |
o = PLL input clock 1 (= onboard osc.) valid status (1 = valid) | |
p = PLL input clock 2 (= front clock) valid status (1 = valid) |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
For a valid clock source, the PLL must be locked and the selected input clock source (CCS) must be valid.
This command requires a DIO with on board PLL and FPGA revision 5 in low speed mode and FPGA revision 4 in high speed mode.
DIO_SDO | Static data out
DIO_SDOn | program the 8 static output bits to the given value n |
DIO_SDO? | Return the status of the 8 static digital output bits in hexadecimal format |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The DIO has 8 static output data bits available. The output bits are not changed or read during a measurement and can only be changed or read by means of this command. The static bits are meant for initial settings on the load board i.e. relays, initiate buffer data direction pins, etc.
Example: | |
DIO_SDO0x0A | Set the digital output bits to 0000 1010b |
DIO_SDO? | returns "0x0A" |
related command: DIO_SPI_CONFIG
DIO_SPI_CONFIG | Configure DIO SPI bus
DIO_SPI_CONFIGn[,o,p,q] | Configure DIO SPI bus |
n, number of serial bits between 1 and 32, default 8 | |
o (SPI mode): | |
o=0 positive clock edge, no clock phase (default) | |
o=1 negative clock edge, no clock phase | |
o=2 positive clock edge, clock phase | |
o=3 negative clock edge, clock phase | |
p, minimum clock period in us (default 200us, minimum 160 us) | |
q, Use static data outputs,SDO (0, default) or Pattern bit outputs, PB (1) | |
DIO_SPI_CONFIG? | Return DIO SPI bus configuration |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
The SPI bus uses 3 static output data bits (DIO_SDO) or 3 pattern output data bits (PB_OUT) and the IO0 for data input (only necessary for SPI read action, DIO_SPI_RD). The Pin configuration is: SDO5/PB5 = chip select, SDO6/PB6 = clock, SDO7/PB7 = data out and IO0 = data in. After this command SDO5/PB5 (chip select) will be high and SDO6/PB6 (clock) inactive.
The SPI bus requires DIO FPGA revision 4 (low speed mode) or higher and is available from firmware release 1.10 and higher. The SPI bus is only available in DIO low speed operation mode (DIO_OPMODE).
The pattern output bits (parameter q) requires firmware release 1.40 or higher.
Example: | |
DIO_SPI_CONFIG16 | Configure 16 SPI bus, positive clock edge, approx 5 kHz clock frequency |
DIO_SPICONFIG? | returns "16,0,200" |
DIO_SPI_RD | DIO SPI read action
DIO_SPI_RD[n,o]? | Perform SPI read action |
n, serial data on SDO7 (data out) | |
o (chip select state after read action): | |
o=0 leave chip select active (SDO5 low) | |
o=1 last transaction (default), deactivate chip select (SDO5 high) |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
Performs DIO SPI read action and returns the serial data read from IO0.
related command: DIO_SDO, DIO_SPI_CONFIG, DIO_SPI_WR
DIO_SPI_WR | DIO SPI write action
DIO_SPI_WRn[,o]? | Perform SPI write action |
n, serial data on SDO7 (data out) | |
o (Schip select state after write action): | |
o=0 leave chip select active (SDO5 low) | |
o=1 last transaction (default), deactivate chip select (SDO5 high) |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
Performs DIO SPI write action.
related command: DIO_SDO, DIO_SPI_CONFIG, DIO_SPI_RD
DIO_XORMASKn | DIO XOR mask between capture/stimuli memory and IO (hex) |
n= the DIO XOR mask default 000000hex | |
DIO_XORMASK? | returns the current DIO XOR mask setting |
This command applies to: DIO Module.
This command defines an XORMASK operation at the data IO pins of the DIO memory. With an XOR function it is possible to convert DUT two’s complement code by inverting the highest bit. Setting a bit in the XOR mask inverts the corresponding bit in the datastream. When set, the data written to the memory is processed by the XORMASK before memory storage. Likewise, the data that is read from the memory goes through the same process. This mask is active both in measurement mode and in configuration mode. When the XOR mask is active during the measurement it is obvious that the mask is cleared when the module is back in configuration mode. The other way round, when the XOR mask is active when the DIO memory is filled with stimulus data, it is obvious to clear the mask during the measurement.
The stimulus signal is 12 bit wide. However, the DUT needs 16 bit data. The most significant DUT bits determine DUT settings like range and DUT operation mode. In the stimulus data, these bits are 0. The desired setting for the highest bits is 1101(bin). To add this bit to the stimulus before writing the stimulus in the DIO memory, the XOR mask should be set to 1101 0000 0000 0000 bin (= 0xD000) Use the following command sequence:
CSELECT0 | select slot 0 which is the DIO slot by default |
DIO_XORMASK0xD000 | set the XORMASK |
CMF | fill the stimulus signal in the DIO memory |
DIO_XORMASK0xD000 | reset the XORMASK: the data is not masked during the measurement |
related commands: DIO_ANDMASK, DIO_DB, CMF
DPS16 specific commands
DPS16_CL | Dual power supply output Current limit
DPS16_CLn | sets the card current limit in mA, n=20..200 |
DPS16_CL? | returns the setting of the current limiter |
This command applies to: DPS16 Module.
Sets the current limit for the active channel. For the dual power supply module, the minimum current limit is 10mA. The maximum and default setting for the current limit is 200mA. When the output current reaches the current limit, the channel led indicator lights up red. Dissipation of the output driver should be taken in account when setting the current limit and the card output voltage (refer to the DPS16 section of the ATX7006 manual).
DPS16_CL150 sets the active card channel current limit to 150mA.
related commands: DPS16_STATUS
DPS16_ESG | Dual power supply enable signal generation
DPS16_ESGn | Enable/disable current channel for signal generation |
n=0 disables signal generation for the currently selected DPS channel | |
n=1 enables signal generation for the currently selected DPS channel | |
DPS16_ESG? | returns the current setting of the signal generation enable bit |
This command applies to: DPS16 Module.
When a DPS channel is used for signal generation, it should be enabled for signal generation first. This is to prevent unwanted voltage changes on static DPS output channels. When the channel is disabled for signal generation, it is not possible to trigger the channel when the module is set in measurement mode.
Example: | |
To enable channel2 of the DPS in slot4 for signal generation | |
CSELECT4 | select the module in slot 4 |
CCHANNEL2 | select channel 2 |
DSP16_ESG1 | enables signal generation |
DPS16_MC | Measure Card load current
DPS16_MC? | Returns the load current of the selected card channel in mA |
This command applies to: DPS16 Module.
The actual load current of the active channel of the selected module is measured.
DPS16_MV | Measure Card output voltage
DPS16_MV? | Returns the measured output voltage on the selected card channel |
This command applies to: DPS16 Module.
The actual voltage across the sense lines of the active channel of the selected module is measured. In case when the channel is in current limit, the voltage programmed with the CV command is not on the load. With this command, the actual voltage on the load is measured.
DPS16_STATUS | Dual power supply status
DPS16_STATUS? | Query DPS16 status in hex |
bit 0 : over current | |
bit 1 : latched over current status | |
bit 4 : latched thermal protection status | |
DPS16_STATUSCLEAR | Clears the latched status bits |
This command applies to: DPS16 Module.
Each channel of the dual power supply has a status register. The register holds the following channel events: Current limit (real-time), Latched current limit status, latched thermal protection status
If the output current of a channel reaches the current limit set with DPS16_CL, bit0 of the returned status value is set. Next, when the over current condition is stopped, this bit is cleared again. In addition, bit 1 reports this over current occurrence and is cleared manually with "DPS16_STATUSCLEAR", bit4 reports a thermal protection event of the channel.
NOTE: After a thermal protection event, all leds and relays of both channels of the DPS are switched off. The module can be used again after clearing this status register bits with "DPS16_STATUSCLEAR"
Example: | |
DPS16_STATUS? | returns 0x00 no over current or over temperature has occurred |
returns 0x03 channel is in current clamp modus , no thermal protection | |
returns 0x02 channel was in current clamp modus , no thermal protection | |
returns 0x10 channel was in thermal protection. module channels are disabled | |
DPS16_STATUSCLEAR | Reset the latched status bits and re-enable the channels in case of a thermal protection occurrence |
related commands: DPS16_CL
DRS20 specific commands
DRS20_MV | DRS20 single voltage measurement
DRS20_MV?: | DRS20 single voltage measurement. |
This command applies to: DRS20 Module.
The channel loop controller ADC can also be used as a voltmeter. The ADC input is switched between the channel sense lines and measures the voltage difference. Use connection mode 3 (CC3, see CC) for this feature.
DRS20_MV? returns e.g. 2.123456
DRS20_RES | DRS20 resolution
DRS20_RESn | DRS20 resolution |
n - enob - ts (ms, 5V swing) | |
0 - 24.4 - 338 | |
1 - 24 - 146 | |
2 - 23.5 - 75 | |
3 - 22.9 - 40 | |
4 - 22.5 - 21 (default> | |
5 - 22 - 13 | |
6 - 21.6 - 8 | |
7 - 21.2 - NA | |
DRS20_RES? | returns the current DRS20 resolution setting |
This command applies to: DRS20 Module.
The output of the DAC is monitored by an ADC which adjusts the output voltage more accurate. The accuracy or resolution of this ADC is restricted by the ADC speed. With the DRS20 resolution, the control loop speed and ADC accuracy is set. This setting applies to both channels in the selected module.
DRS20_SETTLEAREA | set DRS20 settle area in controlled mode
DRS20_SETTLEAREAn | DRS20 settle area in controlled mode (4.. 65535) default=16 one unit is approx. 2.7uV |
DRS20_SETTLEAREA? | returns the current DRS20 settle area setting |
In controlled mode, the actual REFDAC output voltage sampled with an ADC. The ADC data is compared with the expected ADC data. Depending of the difference in actual and desired value, the DAC CODE is adjusted. When the difference in expected and actual ADC code is within the specified SETTLE AREA, (given in LSBs of the measuring ADC) the DAC is adjusted with 0.3uV each loop. One LSB is approximately 2.7uV. The default Settle area of 16 results in a +/- 43uV area around the desired output voltage. When the measured DAC output voltage is within the specified settle area, the DRS channel reflects the settled status. However, when the absolute difference between the ADC reading and the programmed output voltage is greater than the defined settle area, the controller calculates a new DAC correction value, resulting fast correction but a relatively large correction glitch. This setting applies to both channels of the selected DRS20 module.
Embedded command execution
EXECUTE_CMDFILE | Execute command file
EXECUTE_CMDFILEn[,o] | Execute command file |
n = command file name | |
o = output mode | |
o = 0 do not send command results | |
o = 1 send command results to communication channel (default) |
It is possible to execute a set of commands, stored in a commandfile. Maximum line and command length is 255 characters.
command file location
The user file source directory is located on the ATX7006 system: c:\userdata the filename should be entered complete, including the extension and the path under the user data directory. A command file can be uploaded either by ftp: the ftp destination directory is the c:\userdata directory or by default file sharing: If file sharing is enabled, the file can be copied to the system with windows explorer or other file managing program in the shared c:\userdata directory
To run a command file named test.cmd, located in c:\userdata\cmdfiles:
EXECUTE_CMDFILE cmdfiles\test.cmd
EXECUTE_SCRIPT | Execute Lua script file
EXECUTE_SCRIPTn[,o,p] | Execute Lua script file |
n = Lua script file name | |
o = output mode | |
o = 0 do not send command results | |
o = 1 send command results to active communication channel | |
o = 2 send command results to Lua script (default) | |
o = 3 send command results to Lua script and active communication | |
p = debug mode (0..3) | |
p = 0 do not send debug results (default) | |
p = 1 send command debug to active communication channel | |
p = 2 send command debug to screen | |
p = 3 send command debug to screen and active communication channel |
Program should start with function atxmain. See for more information and examples.
script location
The user file source directory is located on the ATX7006 system : c:\userdata
Refer to the EXECUTE_CMDFILE description for information on file location and upload.
Embedded File transfer server command(s)
FTP | Stop or start ftp server
FTP START[n] | start ftp server |
n = port number | |
n= 1..65535, default 21 | |
FTP STOP | Stops the ftp server |
FTP? | returns the active listening port or 0 if not active |
The FTP server is not active after power up
User = atx7006, Password = atx7006 if LAN authentication is disabled. Use LAN username and password if LAN authentication is enabled. Non Administrator users are not allowed to delete files and directories.
GPIB port commands
GPIB_ADDR | Set GPIB address
GPIB_ADDRn | Set GPIB address |
n =address number ranging from 0..30, default 4 | |
GPIB_ADDR? | returns the curren GPIB port address setting |
This command sets the GPIB address used with GPIB communication.
Not supported for the ATXExpress without GPIB port.
GPIB_STATUS | Enable or Disable GPIB port
GPIB_STATUSn | Enable or disable the GPIB communication port |
n=0 Disable GPIB communication | |
n=1 Enable GPIB communication | |
GPIB_STATUS? | returns the current GPIB port status |
Not supported for the ATXExpress without GPIB port.
GPIB_STATUSMSG | GPIB status message
GPIB_STATUSMSG? | Query last gpib status message |
GPIB_STATUSMSGCLEAR | Clear status message |
Not supported for the ATXExpress without GPIB port.
Embedded help function
HELP | Help function
HELP | Help function |
Help command display command description | |
Help letter LIST lists all commands starting with letter | |
Help LIST lists all available commands | |
Help [first characters]* lists all commands starting with the characters given |
Help CMEM* lists all commands starting with CMEM
Help P LIST lists all commands starting with the letter P.
Embedded webserver commands
HTTP | Stop or start the web server
HTTP START | Start the web server |
HTTP STOP | Stop the web server |
HTTP ? | returns 1 if web server is active or 0 if not active |
Web server is always active after power up. Use LAN username and password if LAN authentication is enabled.
HTTP_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of web server connections
HTTP_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of web server connections |
HTTP_MAXCONNECTIONSn | Set maximum allowed number of web server connections |
n= allowed web server connections. n= 2.. 2000 default=20 | |
HTTP_MAXCONNECTIONS? | Return maximum allowed number of web server connections |
HTTP_PORT | Web server port number
HTTP_PORTn | Web server port for incoming connections (1.. 65535) |
HTTP_PORT? | Return current listening web server port |
Identification commands
*IDN? | Extensive Identification
*IDN? | Return manufacturer, model, serial number and firmware version - strings |
This command returns the extensive Identification string.
*IDN? returns "Applicos,ATX7006,AT76091201,1.00 February 2009"
The string given is an example for indication only. The exact string returned depends on the equipment serial number and software revision in use.
ID? | Identification
ID? | Identification |
The identification string exists of the equipment name, revision number and revision date.
ID? returns "ATX7006 V1.00 February 2009"
The string given is an example for indication only. The exact string returned depends in the software revision in use.
FPGA updater commands
JTAG_ADDRESS | Return module JTAG offset address
JTAG_ADDRESS? | Return module JTAG offset address (hex) |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
JTAG_FILE | ace file
JTAG_FILEn | Set ace filename |
JTAG_FILE? | Returns ace file name |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
JTAG_PROGRESS | Programming progress
JTAG_PROGRESS? | Returns JTAG update progress |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
JTAG_START | Start FPGA update process
JTAG_START | Start FPGA update process |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
JTAG_STATUS? | JTAG status register
JTAG_STATUS? | Returns JTAG status register |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
JTAG_TIMEOUTn | Set JTAG timeout |
JTAG_TIMEOUT? | Returns JTAG timeout |
This command is used by the FPGA update wizard.
Network commands
LAN_ALLOW | Manage allowed IPs
LAN_ALLOW ADD | add IP or IP range |
n = single IP or start of IP range. | |
m = end of IP range. Use ( ) for NETBIOS name | |
LAN_ALLOW REMn | remove IP or IP range |
n = list index | |
LAN_ALLOW CLR | clear allowed IP list |
LAN_ALLOW STORE | store allowed IP list. List will available after next boot |
LAN_ALLOW? | Query allowed IP list. First number is index |
A way to protect/limit network access is with the commands LAN_ALLOW and LAN_BLOCK. Network access can be limited to only one or a group clients. Please be very carefully with the command LAN_BLOCK!
Note: The IP address should be placed directly after the ADD extention, no spaces are allowed here. Don’t use leading zeroes in the IP address, this will let the controller interpret the values as octal.
LAN_BLOCK | Manage blocked IPs
LAN_BLOCK ADD | add IP or IP range |
n = single IP or start of IP range. | |
m = end of IP range. Use ( ) for NETBIOS name | |
LAN_BLOCK REMn | remove IP or IP range |
n = list index | |
LAN_BLOCK CLR | clear allowed IP list |
LAN_BLOCK STORE | store allowed IP list. List will available after next boot |
LAN_BLOCK? | Query allowed IP list. First number is index |
A blocked IP can be overruled by an allowed IP. Please be very carefully with the command LAN_BLOCK!
LAN_CLIENT | Manage connected clients
LAN_CLIENT DISCONn | Disconnect client. n = id |
LAN_CLIENT DISCONALL | Disconnect all clients |
LAN_CLIENT? | List connected clients. First digit is id. |
LAN_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of LAN connections
LAN_CONNECTIONS? | Current number of LAN connections |
LAN_DHCP | DHCP on or off
LAN_DHCPn | DHCP on (n=1) of off (n=0) |
LAN_DHCP? | return DHCP setting |
If DHCP is enabled the ATX7006 expects to get an IP address of an DHCP server. If DHCP is disabled please configure the LAN_STATICIP and LAN_SUBNETMASK
LAN_ENABLEAUTH | Authentication for incoming LAN connections
LAN_ENABLEAUTHn | Enable (n=1) or disable (n=0) LAN authentication |
LAN_ENABLEAUTH? | return authentication setting |
If authentication is enabled, a username and password are required to get access to the ATX7006 LAN interface. The default username and password after enabling authentication (the first time) are atx7006. Users and passwords can be managed with the command LAN_USER
LAN_IP | System IP address
LAN_IP? | return system ip address |
Changing the IP address can be done with the command LAN_STATICIP.
LAN_MAXCONNECTIONS | Maximum number of allowed LAN connections
LAN_MAXCONNECTIONSn | Set maximum number of allowed LAN connections (1..2000) |
LAN_MAXCONNECTIONS? | return maximum number of allowed LAN connections |
LAN_PORT | LAN port for incomming connections
LAN_PORTn | Set LAN port for incomming connections (1.. 65535) |
LAN_PORT? | return LAN port for incomming connections |
LAN_STATICIP | Configure IP address
LAN_STATICIPn | Set LAN static ip address |
LAN_STATICIP? | return LAN static ip address |
The LAN static ip address should be configured if DHCP is disabled (LAN_DHCP). See also FAQs for possible LAN configurations.
LAN_SUBNETMASK | Configure subnet mask
LAN_SUBNETMASKn | Set LAN subnet mask |
LAN_SUBNETMASK? | return LAN subnet mask |
The LAN subnet mask should be configured if DHCP is disabled (LAN_DHCP). See also FAQs for possible LAN configurations.
LAN_USER | Manage LAN users and passwords
LAN_USER ADDn,o,p,q | Add lan user |
n = Username (must be unique) | |
o = password | |
p = repeat password | |
q = 1 for Admin user. Only for Admin users | |
LAN_USER REMn | remove user n. Only for Admin users |
LAN_USER PSWn,o,p | Change password |
n = old password | |
o = new password | |
p = repeat new password | |
LAN_USER? | list lan users |
LAN users should be configured if LAN authentication (LAN_ENABLEAUTH) is enabled.
Measurement/calculation results commands
MR_DYN | Measurement results of last dynamic calculations
MR_DYN? | get measurement results of last dynamic calculations (all items) |
MR_DYNn? | returns items n: |
n = 0 : SINAD (dB) | |
n = 1 : THD (dB) | |
n = 2 : THD (percent) | |
n = 3 : SNR (dB) | |
n = 4 : SFDR (dB) | |
n = 5 : SFDR bin position | |
n = 6 : Peak Distortion (dB) | |
n = 7 : Peak Distortion bin position | |
n = 8 : Peak Spurious (Noise) | |
n = 9 : Peak Spurious bin position | |
n = 10 : ENOB | |
n = 11: Bin position of the carrier in the spectrum array | |
MR_DYN COUNT? | returns the number of available items |
The MR_DYN parameters are available after performing the dynamic calculations with CALC_DYN.
More information about the dynamic parameters can be found in the article Dynamic parameter calculations.
MR_DYN_FFT | Measurement results of last FFT calculation
MR_DYN_FFT? | returns all array elements of raw FFT results |
MR_DYN_FFTn? | returns array element n of raw FFT results |
MR_DYN_FFT COUNT? | return the number of available elements |
After a dynamic calculation (CALC_DYN) the FFT results are available. These are the raw FFT results of the input signal normalized to N (divided by N = no. of samples of the input signal). The first halve contains the real parts, the second halve the imaginary parts. Element 0 contains the offset.
See also the article Dynamic analysis of A/D and D/A converters.
MR_DYN_HARM | Measurement results of last dynamic calculations
MR_DYN_HARM? | returns all array elements of dynamic harmonics |
MR_DYN_HARMn? | returns array element n dynamic harmonics |
MR_DYN_HARM COUNT? | return the number of available elements |
The first item (n=0) is the carrier, the second item (n=1) is the second harmonic. The number of available items is normally 8, unless the number of calculated harmonics in CALCOPT_DYN, parameter o is altered.
The format for each returned item is: harmonic bin position, harmonic level, is mirror(1) or not (0)
MR_DYN_HARM0? Returns 7,0.000000,0 :in bin 7 the carrier is found at 0dB
More information about the harmonics can be found in the article Dynamic analysis of A/D and D/A converters.
MR_DYN_SPECTRUM | Measurement results of last spectrum calculation
MR_DYN_SPECTRUM? | Returns all measurement spectrum of the last dynamic calculation |
MR_DYN_SPECTRUMn? | returns array element n |
MR_DYN_SPECTRUM COUNT? | returns the number of available array elements |
The results of this commands depend on the second (o) and the third parameter (p) of the command CALCOPT_DYN_EXT. Default the spectrum shows dBs relative to the carrier.
More information about the spectrum can be found in the article about Dynamic analysis of A/D and D/A converters.
MR_HIST | Measurement results of last histogram test calculations
MR_HIST? | Returns all measurement results of the last histogram test calculations |
MR_HISTn? | returns items n: |
n = 0 : TUE (LSBs) | |
n = 1 : TUE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 2 : TUE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 3 : INLE (LSBs) | |
n = 4 : INLE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 5 : INLE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 6 : INLE Position | |
n = 7 : DNLE (LSBs) | |
n = 8 : DNLE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 9 : DNLE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 10 : DNLE Position | |
n = 11 : Offset error (LSBs) | |
n = 12 : Gain Error (LSBs) | |
n = 13 : Full Scale Error (LSBs) | |
n = 14 : a of the calculated reference line y=ax+b | |
n = 15 : b of the calculated reference line y=ax+b | |
MR_HIST COUNT? | returns the number of available items |
The MR_HIST parameters are available after performing the histogram test calculations with CALC_HIST.
The parameters of interest after the histogram calculations are the INL and DNL errors.
For the End point calculation, the reference line will always be y = x (a = 1.0 and b = 0.0). The first trip-point is placed at the ideal ADC transition voltage. This will result in a offset error of 0 LSB. With an "a" of 1.0 for the reference line, the gain error and so the full scale error are 0. The TUE will be equal to the INLE. For the sinusoidal histogram test, the end point reference line can have a small error for the angle "a". This can result in a (small) gain (and so full scale) error. This error is due to the test method.
More information about the histogram test can be found here.
More information about AD converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
MR_HIST_ERR | Measurement results of the last histogram test calculations (A/D test)
MR_HIST_ERR? | Returns all error plot array elements of last histogram test calculations |
MR_HIST_ERRn? | returns array element n of the error plot array |
MR_HIST_ERR COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
The error plot represents the deviation (in LSBs) of each trippoint relative to the reference line. The reference line is determined by the first parameter (n) of the command CALCOPT_HIST. The error calculations are performed with the command CALC_HIST
Information about the ADC histogram test can be found here.
More information about AD converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
MR_HIST_MC | Measurement results Missing codes array histogram test
MR_HIST_MC? | Returns the complete array of missing code (histogram test) |
MR_HIST_MCn? | Returns array element n of the missing code array |
MR_HIST_MC COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
If there are codes missing in the input signal for the histogram test calculations (CALC_HIST), these can be found with the command MR_HIST_MC.
For more information about histogram testing, please read this article.
MR_HIST_TRIP | Measurement results trippoints array histogram test
MR_HIST_TRIP? | Returns all trip points (histogram test) |
MR_HIST_TRIPn? | Returns the value of trippoint n in the trip points array |
MR_HIST_TRIP COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements, the first trip-point, number of used trippoints |
The histogram calculations (CALC_HIST) can calculate the trip-points based on the DNL steps. The first trip-point is placed at the ideal ADC transition voltage, based on the parameters CALCPARAM_HIST and CALCPARAM_HIST_EXT.
More information about histogram testing can be found here.
MR_LIN | Measurement results of the last linearity calculations
MR_LIN? | Returns all measurement results of the last linearity calculations |
MR_LINn? | returns items n: |
n = 0 : TUE (LSBs) | |
n = 1 : TUE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 2 : TUE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 3 : INLE (LSBs) | |
n = 4 : INLE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 5 : INLE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 6 : INLE Position | |
n = 7 : DNLE (LSBs) | |
n = 8 : DNLE Positive (LSBs) | |
n = 9 : DNLE Negative (LSBs) | |
n = 10 : DNLE Position | |
n = 11 : Offset error (LSBs) | |
n = 12 : Gain Error (LSBs) | |
n = 13 : Full Scale Error (LSBs) | |
n = 14 : a of the calculated reference line y=ax+b | |
n = 15 : b of the calculated reference line y=ax+b | |
n = 16 : Midscale error (LSBs). Zero for D/A test | |
MR_LIN COUNT? | returns the number of available items |
The MR_LIN parameters are available after performing the linearity calculations with CALC_LIN.
More information about AD converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
ADC Midscale errorThe midscale error is calculated by subtracting the (measured) center of the transfer characteristic from the ideal transfer characteristic.
ADC Midscale error with halve LSB offset shiftIn case of devices with a halve LSB offset shift (first parameter of CALCPARAM_LIN_AD_EXT is 1) the midscale error is also shifted a halve LSB.
More information about DA converter linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
MR_LIN_ERR_AD | Measurement results of the last linearity calculations (A/D test)
MR_LIN_ERR_AD? | Returns all error plot array elements of last linearity calculations (A/D test) |
MR_LIN_ERR_ADn? | returns array element n of the error plot array |
MR_LIN_ERR_AD COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
The error plot represents the deviation (in LSBs) of each trippoint relative to the reference line. The reference line is determined by the first parameter (n) of the command CALCOPT_LIN_AD. The error calculations are performed with the command CALC_LIN
The index of the error plot array starts at 0. If ramp clipping is used, not all trip-points are used for the error parameter calculations. See MR_LIN_TRIP for more information.
More information about ADC linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
MR_LIN_ERR_DA | Measurement results of the last linearity calculations (D/A test)
MR_LIN_ERR_DA? | Returns all error plot array elements of last linearity calculations (D/A test) |
MR_LIN_ERR_DAn? | returns array element n of the error plot array |
MR_LIN_ERR_DA COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
The error plot represents the deviation (in LSBs) of each output voltage relative to the reference line. The reference line is determined by the first parameter (n) of the command CALCOPT_LIN_DA. The error calculations are performed with the command CALC_LIN
More information about DAC linearity parameter calculations can be found here.
MR_LIN_MC | Measurement results Missing codes array (A/D test)
MR_LIN_MC? | Returns the complete array of missing code(A/D test) |
MR_LIN_MCn? | Returns array element n of the missing code array |
MR_LIN_MC COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
If there are codes missing in the input signal for the linearity calculations (CALC_LIN) for an A/D test (results from the DIO module), these can be found with the command MR_LIN_MC.
For more information about linearity parameter calculations, please read this article.
MR_LIN_TRIP | Measurement results trippoints array (A/D test)
MR_LIN_TRIP? | Returns all trip points (A/D test) |
MR_LIN_TRIPn? | Returns the value of trippoint n in the trip points array |
MR_LIN_TRIP COUNT? | Returns the no. of available elements, the first trip-point, no. of used trippoints |
The first trip-point can be greater than 0 if ramp clipping at the start of ramp (parameter q of CALCOPT_LIN_AD is not equal to 0.
The number of used trip-points can be less than the maximum number of trippoints if ramp clipping (parameter q and/or r of CALCOPT_LIN_AD is not equal to 0.
The first trip-point and used trip-points determine the area for the error parameters (INLE, DNLE etc.). The trip-points between the first trip-point and first trip-point + used trip-points are used for the error parameter calculations. The trip-points less than the first trip-points are extrapolated with ideal device LSB values, starting from the first trip-point. The trip-points above the first trip-point + used trip-points are extrapolated with ideal device LSB values, starting from the last trip-point (= first trip-point + used trip-points). The error plot array (MR_LIN_ERR_AD) and error parameters (MR_LIN are calculated with the trip-points starting at the "first trip-point" an using "no. of used trippoints".
The index of the trip-point array starts at 0. Index 0 represents the first trip-point (transition code 0 to 1).
More information about AD converter trip-points can be found here.
MR_STAT_DATA | Measurement results statistical calculations
MR_STAT_DATA? | Returns the all code occurrences |
MR_STAT_DATAn? | Returns array element n from the code occurrences array |
MR_STAT_DATA COUNT? | Returns the number of available elements |
The statistical results are available after the command CALC_STAT_COUNT. In case of an 8 bits converter (mask 0xFF = 4th parameter (q) of CALC_STAT_COUNT) the number of results are 256. Array element 0 represents the number of times code 0 is available in the input array. Array element 1 represents the number of times code 1 is available in the input array. etc.
MR_STAT_DATA_BIN? | Measurement results statistical calculations in binary format
MR_STAT_DATA_BIN? | Returns the all code occurrences in binary format |
Binary verion of MR_STAT_DATA.
related commands: CALC_STAT_COUNT, MR_STAT_DATA
DIO pattern bits commands
PB_CLKDIV | Set pattern clock divider value PB
PB_CLKDIVn | Set pattern clock divider value |
n = divider value | |
n = 1..16777216 | |
PB_CLKDIV? | Returns the current Pattern bit clock divider value |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
The Pattern bit generator has a 24 bit input clock divider which can be set to a value ranging from 1 to 16777216. The maximum input frequency for this pattern clock divider is 100Mhz. For the DIO front clock and internal 200MHz clock source, a pre-divider is available. This divider can be set with the CCLKDIV command.
PB_MEMA | Set pattern memory address counter
PB_MEMAn | Set pattern memory address counter |
n = PB memory address | |
PB_MEMA? | Returns the Pattern bit memory address counter value in hexadecimal format |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
The command directly writes the memory Pattern bit address counter. Prior to a memory dump or load action, this counter should be initiated with the addres location from which these actions should be performed. Direct read and write from and to the pattern memory are done to the address pointed by the address counter. After a write or read action, the address counter increments automatically.
0PB_MEMA? returns 0x003FF
related commands: PB_MEM_RET, PB_MEM_END, PB_MEM_START
PB_MEMD | Dump pattern memory locations
PB_MEMDn | Dump n pattern memory locations |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
The Pattern memory contents are dumped starting from the address, currently loaded in the PB memory address counter. The number of memory locations dumped is set with parameter n. The dumped memory data is in hexadecimal format.
Example: | |
PB_MEMA0 | Set pattern memory addres to 0 |
PB_DUMP5 | dump 5 Pattern bit locations returns e.g.: |
0xFFFE | |
0xFFFD | |
0xFFFB | |
0xFFF7 | |
0xFFEF |
PB_MEML | Load pattern memory
PB_MEMLd1,d2,etc | Load pattern memory with d1,d2, etc. |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
Load the Pattern memory with successive data words d1, d2 etc. The data load starts at the current pattern memory address counter position. This counter increments for each data word given in this command.
Example: | |
PB_MEMA0 | set Pattern bit memory address counter to address 0 |
PB_MEML0x0,0x01,0x7 | load 3 memory places with respective 0, 1 and 7 |
PB_MEMA? | the address counter has incremented on execution of PBMEML and now returns 0x0003 |
PB_MEMR | Read pattern memory
PB_MEMRn | Read pattern memory |
n = address |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
Read data from the given pattern bit memory location. After this action, the address counter is set to address n+1. The returned data is in 16bit hexadecimal format.
Example: | |
0PB_MEMR5 | read contents from pattern memory address 5 |
returns "0xFFDF" | |
0PB_MEMA? | returns "0x00006 ". The address counter has incremented from 5 to 6 |
PB_MEMW | Write pattern memory
PB_MEMWn,o | Write pattern memory |
n = address, o = data |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
Writes data o on one specific memory location n in the Pattern bit memory. After the write action, the pattern memory address counter is set to address n+1
Example: | |
0PB_memw10,1 | write value 1 to address location 10dec |
0pb_mema? | returns 0x000B |
PB_MEM_END | Set pattern memory end address
PB_MEM_ENDn | Set pattern memory end address |
n = address | |
PB_MEM_END? | Returns the Pattern bit end address in hexadecimal format |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
Defines the address location of the last pattern memory step. The Pattern bit memory address counter is loaded with the "return to" address (PB_MEM_RET) when it reaches the pattern end address.
related commands: PB_MEM_RET, PB_MEM_START, PB_MEMA
PB_MEM_RET | Set pattern memory return address
PB_MEM_RETn | Set pattern memory return to address |
n = address | |
PB_MEM_RET? | Returns the Pattern bit return to address in hexadecimal format |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
The Pattern bit address counter is loaded with this address when it reaches the pattern end address.
The patternlength is determined by this setting and the configuration of the Pattern bit end address:
Pattern loop length = 1+ PB_END - PB_RET
Example: | |
PB_MEM_RET0x10 | Set pattern memory return-to address at address 10hex. |
PB_MEM_RET12 | Set pattern memory return-to address at address 11dec |
PB_MEM_RET? | returns 0x0000C |
related commands: PB_MEM_END, PB_MEM_START, PB_MEMA
PB_MEM_START | Set pattern memory start address
PB_MEM_STARTn | Set pattern memory start address |
n = address | |
PB_MEM_START? | Returns the Pattern bit start address in hexadecimal format |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
When the DIO is set in measurement mode, the pattern memory address counter is initiated with the address defined with this command. The data contents of this patternbit address are then set to the Pattern bit outputs.
Example: | |
PB_MEM_START0x0 | Set pattern memory start address to address 0 |
PB_MEM_START? | returns 0x00000 |
related commands: PB_MEM_RET, PB_MEM_END, PB_MEMA
PB_MODE | Set DIO pattern bit mode
PB_MODEn,o | Set the DIO Pattern bit Mode |
n (mode): | |
n=0 Pattern bits will start without a pattern bit trigger (default) | |
n=1 Each pattern bit loop will start on a level sensitive trigger | |
n=2 First loop will run without a trigger. After that, each pattern bit loop will start on a level sensitive trigger. | |
n=3 Each pattern bit loop will start on an edge sensitive trigger | |
n=4 First loop will run without a trigger. After that, each pattern bit loop will start on an edge sensitive trigger. | |
o (active trigger level): | |
o=0 low active (n=1 or 2) or negative edge (n=3 or 4) pattern trigger (default) | |
o=1 high active (n=1 or 2) or positve edge (n=3 or 4) pattern trigger | |
PB_MODE? | returns the current DIO pattern bit mode status. |
This command applies to: DIO Module. DIO FPGA revision 6 (see CID) and higher and firmware release 1.21 and higher are required. For edge sensitive triggering (n=3 or 4) DIO FPGA revision 7 and higher and firmware release 1.24 and higher are required. The pattern bit trigger input should be connected to pin 32 of the DIO connector.
This command configures what event is needed to start the run of one pattern.
There are a number of conditions:
- When a trigger is required to start the pattern (n = 1, 2, 3 or 4), the pattern should be at least 3 steps long.
- When n = 1 or 3, the minimum number of triggers that is required to finish the measurement is (signal steps + 1). When n = 2 or 4, the minimum number of triggers that is required to finish the measurement is signal steps. Where: Signal steps = latency + ((Steps + Settle steps) x (MeasurementLoops + SettleLoops))
- In case of level sensitive triggering, the trigger pulse width should be at least (CCLKDIV / Clocksource frequency) and less than the time of one pattern run (Pattern steps x pattern step time), where pattern steps = (End address - ReturnTo address).
- In case of edge sensitive triggering, a high or low level (pulse width) duration should be at least (CCLKDIV / Clocksource frequency).
There is a latency between the when the trigger becomes active and the first step op the patternbits. In stimulus mode, this delay is 13 (± 1) cycles of the patternbit input clock (clock source / CCLKDIV). In capture mode, this delay is 10 (± 1) cycles of the patternbit input clock (clock source / CCLKDIV).
When a trigger is required to start the pattern (n = 1 or 2) and the trigger is continuously active, the last pattern step (end address) is doubled.
PB_OUT | Set pattern bits output status
PB_OUTn,o | Set pattern bits output status |
n = Pattern bit state | |
n=0..0xFF | |
o = output disable function | |
o=0 Pattern bit outputs are enabled | |
o=1 Pattern bit outputs are in tri-state | |
PB_OUT? | Returns the Pattern bits state |
This commands applies to: DIO pattern memory.
Sets the pattern memory bits immediate to a static value. This value is overwritten when the DIO is in measurement mode and the pattern generator starts to generate its programmed pattern.
ATX7006 powersupply commands
PS_CURRENT | Power supply measured current
PS_CURRENTn? | Power supply measured current |
n=power supply current selector | |
n = 0: Return supply current in 3.3V | |
n = 1: Return supply current in 5V | |
n = 2: Return supply current in +8V | |
n = 3: Return supply current in -8V | |
n = 4: Return supply current in +15V | |
n = 5: Return supply current in -15V |
For diagnostic purposes, the load current of each individual system power supply is monitored permanently. This command returns the most recently measured current in the by n indicated power supply. The current returned is in Ampere.
The maximum allowd supply currents are:
Supply voltage | max. current rating |
3.3V | 15A |
5V | 15A |
+8V | 2A |
-8V | 2A |
+15V | 1.5A |
-15V | 1.5A |
Example: | |
PS_CURRENT0? | return the monitored 3.3V power supply current |
e.g. 3.150 : measured current is 3.15A |
PS_FANSPEED | Set power supply fan speed
PS_FANSPEEDn[,o] | Set power supply fan speed |
n speed setting for module slot fans (n= -1..255) | |
value -1 means no change default=32 | |
o small power supply fan speed (n=0..255). default=176 | |
PS_FANSPEED? | returns the current fan speed settings |
The ATX7006 supports 2 fan speed adjustments. There is one group of 3 fans situated under the ATX7006 modules. Another small fan is situated next to the switching power supply on the back panel of the ATX housing. If desired (especially when module temperatures rise) the cooling power of the fans can be adjusted. The higher the value given for n the higher the fanspeed. Value 0 corresponds to a low fan speed, but does not stop the fans. A drawback of higher fan speeds is the increase of audible fan noise.
Example: | |
PS_FANSPEED -1,255 | sets the small power supply fan to full speed, the speed of the module slot fans is not changed |
PS_FANSPEED 255 | sets the module slot fans to full speed, the speed of the small power supply fan is not changed |
PS_TEMP | Get power supply temperature
PS_TEMP? | Get power supply temperature (Celsius) |
A temperature sensor on the power supply board measures the temperature of the analog section of the power supply. This command reads the current analog power supply temperature in degrees Celsius.
Example: | |
PS_TEMP? | returns "19.61" |
related commands: CTEMP, PS_FANSPEED
Remote access commands
RACCESS_ACCOUNT | remote access account
RACCESS_ACCOUNTn,o | Configure remote access account |
n = username | |
o = password | |
RACCESS_ACCOUNT? | Return remote access account setttings |
With a remote access account it is possible to control the ATX7006 remote.
For maximum safety, a remote connection is NOT a direct connection (peer to peer).
The ATX7006 must connect to a remote (web-)server and login.
The client computer should also connect and login to this remote (web-)server.
It is possible to setup a remote connection behind a firewall and/or a proxy server.
Passwords and username are automatically encrypted and changed every time the atx or client computer connects to the server and tries to login.
This is not a high speed connection. A remote access connection is currently only possible with ATCom online.
RACCESS_CONNECTION | Manage remote access connection
RACCESS_CONNECTION ADD | Add new remote connection. Returns channel id |
RACCESS_CONNECTION DISCONn | Disconnect connection. n = channel id or local id |
RACCESS_CONNECTION? | List remote connection(s): local id, channel id, remote ip |
This command can be used to manage (a) remote access connection(s) on the ATX7006 system side. A remote access connection can also be initiated remotely. In this case, the standby process should be enabled.
RACCESS_MAXCONNECTIONS | Maximum remote access connections
RACCESS_MAXCONNECTIONSn | Set maximum possible remote access connections |
RACCESS_MAXCONNECTIONS? | Return maximum possible remote access connections |
The default maximum connection is set to 2.
RACCESS_PROXY | proxy server for remote access
RACCESS_PROXYn[,o,p,q,r] | Configure proxy server |
n = 1 use proxy, n = 0 do not user proxy | |
o proxy server location | |
p proxy server port | |
q proxy server username (if required) | |
r proxy server password (if required) | |
RACCESS_PROXY? | Return proxy settings |
In some network environments, a client system can only connect to a (web-)server via a proxy server. This command let you configure the proxy server settings. Default the proxy server connection is disabled. For a proxy server with authentication enabled, the BASIC authentication protocol is implemented.
RACCESS_PROXYTUNNELING | proxy tunneling for remote access
RACCESS_PROXYTUNNELINGn | Enable or disable proxy tunneling |
n = 1 enable proxy tunneling | |
n = 0 do not use proxy tunneling | |
RACCESS_PROXYTUNNELING? | Return proxy tunneling settings |
If the proxy server supports tunneling, it is recommended to enabled tunneling. A proxy server with support of tunnelings allows a direct connection with a (web-)server.
RACCESS_RECEIVEINTERVAL | remote access read poll time
RACCESS_RECEIVEINTERVALn,o,p | Configure read poll time |
n = (minimum) interval time in ms | |
o = maximum interval time in ms | |
p = 1 dynamic adjust interval time (between n and o). p = 0 static interval time (n) | |
RACCESS_RECEIVEINTERVAL? | Return read poll time |
The ATX7006 checks the (web-)server for new commands. This polltime can be configured with this command.
RACCESS_RECEIVETIMEOUT | Remote access receive timeout
RACCESS_RECEIVETIMEOUTn | Configure receive timeout in seconds |
RACCESS_RECEIVETIMEOUT? | Return receive timeout |
A remote connection will automatically be closed if the ATX7006 does not receive commands for RACCESS_RECEIVETIMEOUT seconds. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
RACCESS_SERVER | Remote access server
RACCESS_SERVERn,o | Configure (web-)server for remote access |
n = server location, default | |
p = server port, default 80 | |
RACCESS_SERVER? | Return remote access server |
The remote server used during remote access. Default all traffic will be handled by the server.
RACCESS_STANDBYENABLE | Remote access standby service
RACCESS_STANDBYENABLEn,o | Enable (1) or disable (0) standby service |
RACCESS_STANDBYENABLE? | Return standby service status |
To initiate a remote connection from any client computer, without having direct access to the ATX7006, enable the standby service. The ATX7006 will connect with interval RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVAL to the (web-)server.
RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVAL | Set remote access standby process interval poll time
RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVALn | Standby service poll interval (seconds) |
RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVAL? | Return standby service poll interval |
To initiate a remote connection from any client computer, without having direct access to the ATX7006, enable the standby service. The ATX7006 will connect with interval RACCESS_STANDBYINTERVAL to the (web-)server. The standby service should be enabled with RACCESS_STANDBYENABLE
Lua script commands
SCRIPT_ABORTREQUEST | Set or clear script abort request status
SCRIPT_ABORTREQUESTSET | Set Lua script abort request status |
SCRIPT_ABORTREQUESTCLEAR | Clear Lua script abort request status |
A Lua script can check this request with the function GetAbortRequestStatus() and stop executing if requested.
SCRIPT_ARG | Add Lua script argument string
SCRIPT_ARGn | Add Lua script argument string |
SCRIPT_ARG? | Return all argument strings |
SCRIPT_ARGCOUNT? | Return number of configured argument strings |
Argument strings are available in the parameters of the Lua start function atxmain(argc, args). argc indicates the number of available arguments string and depends on the number of times this command (SCRIPT_ARG) is called without calling SCRIPT_ARG_CLEAR. args is the actual array with strings. Each argument string may contain multiple parameters e.g. SCRIPT_ARG awg=2 db=8 contains 2 parameters in one argument string. The maximum number of arguments strings is 100.
SCRIPT_ARG_CLEAR | Clear all Lua script argument strings
SCRIPT_ARG_CLEAR | Clear all Lua script argument strings |
Resets the argument string count (SCRIPT_ARGCOUNT?) to zero.
related commands: EXECUTE_SCRIPT, SCRIPT_ARG
SCRIPT_RESULT | Get Lua script result array
SCRIPT_RESULT? | Return all lua result array elements |
SCRIPT_RESULTn? | Return lua result array element n |
SCRIPT_RESULTCOUNT? | Return number of available elements |
SCRIPT_RESULTCLEAR | Remove all elements. SCRIPT_RESULTCOUNT? will return 0 afterwards |
A Lua script can store results in one of the ten available result arrays with the Lua function StoreResults(result array no., data type, arraydata). This command will return the results of the current selected array (see SCRIPT_RESULT_SELECT).
SCRIPT_RESULT_BIN | Get Lua script result array
SCRIPT_RESULT_BIN? | Return all lua result array elements in binary format |
Return the Lua result in binary format. For double arrays each element contains 8 bytes per array element. For integer arrays each element contains 4 bytes per element.
SCRIPT_RESULT_SELECT | Select Lua script result array
SCRIPT_RESULT_SELECTn | Select Lua result array (1.. 10) |
SCRIPT_RESULT_SELECT? | Return selected Lua result array |
A Lua script can store up to 10 arrays with the Lua function StoreResults(result array no., data type, arraydata). Before returning the results with the command SCRIPT_RESULT, select the desired array with this command.
SCRIPT_RETURN? | Get last Lua script return value
SCRIPT_RETURN? | Get last Lua script return value |
The Lua script function atxmain(argc, args) may return a number or a string value. This command will return its return value or 0 if not set.
related command: EXECUTE_SCRIPT
SCRIPT_STATUSMSG? | Get last Lua script status message
SCRIPT_STATUSMSG? | Get last Lua script status message. |
A Lua script status message can be available if the Lua function assert is called in the script. E.g if the code assert(false,"Error occured") is executed, SCRIPT_STATUSMSG? will return the text Error occured.
related commands: EXECUTE_SCRIPT
Signal definition commands
SIGNAL | Signal definition
SIGNALn,o,p,q[,r,s,t] | Define signal |
SIGNAL? | returns a list of signal definitions (for the selected signal item) |
n = signal type: | |
n=0 Digital ramp defined by endpoints and number of steps: | |
n=10 Analog ramp defined by endpoints and number of steps: | |
o = start value of ramp | |
p = end value of ramp | |
q = number of ramp steps | |
r = settle steps, placed at the start of the ramp (default value=0) | |
s = repeat (total no of repetitions of the ramps in this definition, default 1) | |
n=1 Digital ramp defined by start point, increments and number of steps: | |
n=11 Analog ramp defined by start point, increments and number of steps: | |
o = start value of ramp | |
p = increment value | |
q = number of ramp steps | |
r = settle steps, placed at the start of the ramp (default value=0) | |
s = repeat (total no of repetitions of the ramps in this definition, default 1) | |
n=2 Digital sine wave: | |
n=12 Analog sine wave: | |
o = amplitude (peak) | |
p = offset | |
q = number of samples | |
r = periods (default 1) | |
s = phase (degrees, default 0) | |
n=3 Digital triangle wave: | |
n=13 Analog triangle wave: | |
n=4 Digital square wave: | |
n=14 Analog square wave: | |
o = amplitude (peak) | |
p = offset | |
q = number of samples | |
r = periods (default 1) | |
s = phase (degrees, default 0) | |
t = symmetry (%, 0..100, default 50) | |
n=5 digital from file: | |
n=15 analog from file: | |
o=filename* each sample should end with LF | |
n=6 digital custom: | |
n=16 analog custom: | |
o= add sample or multiple samples separated by comma |
The signal command defines the signal parameters in the selected signal item. The signal command clears the previous signal definition in the signal item, except for signal 6 and 16. Use the signal_add command to make a compilation of different signal definitions within one signal item.
Analog signals are normalized between 0.0 and 1.0.
E.g. the AWG20 is set to ra 1 (CRA1 = 10.24Vpp). To generate a sine with 1024 samples between 0 and 5.12V, configure a signal with the parameters: n = 12 (analog sine), o = 0.25 (amplitude peak = 25% of the total range = 2.56V), p = 0.75 (offset = 75% of the total range starting from -5.12V = 2.56V) and q = 1024. The command is: SIGNAL 12,0.25,0.75,1024
For generating signals with an AWG module and high signal frequencies relative to the samplefrequency, please be aware of the DA converter frequency response. An online DAC sinc attenuation calculator can be found here.
*filename: (on the atx7006 system) the file should be located in the "c:\userdata" directory on the ATX7006 system.
SIGNAL_ADD | Add Signal definition
SIGNAL_ADDn,o,p,q[,r,s,t] | Add signal definition in the (see SIGNAL) |
When the desired stimulus is the sum of two or more signals, additional signals can be defined with the SIGNAL_ADD command. The parameters used are exactly the same as used with the SIGNAL command. The number of signals that can added is unlimited.
SIGNAL_CLEAR | Clear all signal definitions
SIGNAL_CLEAR | Clear all signal definitions of selected signal item |
All signal definitions are cleared. Basically, the signal command does the same: it overwrites a previously defined signal, except when a custom signal is defined (signal6 or signal16)
SIGNAL_SELECT | Select a signal item
SIGNAL_SELECTn | Select a signal item (0..9, default 0) |
SIGNAL_SELECT? | Returns the currently selected signal item |
One complete stimulus signal definition is called a signal item. It is possible to define up to 10 different signal items. The contents of a signal item is defined with the SIGNAL and SIGNAL_ADD command. The command that fills the signal item into memory is CMF. The signal item number is one of the parameters of this CMF command.
Execute test/measurement commands
TEST_STATUS | Start or stop a test
TEST_STATUSn[,o] | Start or stop a test (measurement) |
n : start or stop a test: | |
n=0 Stop a test | |
n=1 (Re-)Start a test | |
o : 33MHz Backplane clock enable | |
o=0 disable the ATX7006 33MHz backplane clock during the test (default) | |
o=1 enable the ATX7006 33MHz backplane clock during the test | |
TEST_STATUS? | return the test status (value returned in hexadecimal format) |
bit 0 indicates the test status (derived from backplane ready line) | |
bit0 = "1" test busy | |
bit0 = "0" test ready. | |
bit 1 indicates backplane clock status. A 1 indicates active, 0 inactive | |
bit1 = "1" backplane clock active | |
bit1 = "0" backplane clock inactive |
This command is implemented to simplify the command sequence to start a measurement. It sets the generating and capturing modules in measurement mode and triggers the modules. Only the modules listed with the TEST_CARDS command are involved in this sequence. The order in which the involved cards are listed in the TEST_CARDS command, determines the order in which the sequence approaches the modules.
A measurement is simply (re-)started setting parameter n to 1. The command will then perform the following sequence:
1) Enable the ATX7006 system backplane clock |
2) Clear the software trigger bits of the cards involved, starting with the first card listed |
3) Set the cards in configuration mode, starting with the first card listed |
4) Set the cards in measurement mode, first listed card the last |
5) Set the card software trigger active, first listed card the last |
6) Disable the ATX7006 system backplane if o = 0 (default) |
A test is stopped by clearing parameter n. The following sequence will be followed:
1) Enable the ATX7006 system backplane clock |
2) Clear the software trigger bits of the active cards, starting with the first card listed |
3) Set the cards in configuration mode, starting with the first card listed |
Example: | |
TEST_CARDS0,3 | use card 0 (first) card and card 3 |
TEST_STATUS1 | start test, with the backplane clock off |
the sequence is: | |
Enable the ATX7006 system backplane clock | |
Clear the software trigger bits of card0 then of card3 | |
Set the configuration mode, first card0 then card3 | |
Set the measurement mode, first card3 then card0 | |
Set the software trigger active, first card3 then card0 | |
Disable the ATX7006 system backplane | |
TEST_STATUS? | returns 0x1 when test is running |
returns 0x0 when test is ready | |
TEST_STATUS0 | stop measurement |
the sequence is: | |
Enable the ATX7006 system backplane clock | |
Clear the software trigger bits of card0 then card3 | |
Set the cards in configuration mode first card0 then card3 | |
TEST_STATUS? | returns 0x2 indicating test ready and backplane clock active |
related commands: TEST_CARDS
TEST_CARDS | Set active cards during test
TEST_CARDSn[,o,p,...] | Set active cards during test |
TEST_CARDS? | returns the list of involved modules |
value -1 will be returned if no cards are involved |
The modules listed with the TEST_CARDS command are involved in the TEST_STATUS sequence. The order in which the involved cards are listed in the TEST_CARDS command, determines the order in which the sequence approaches the modules. The first card listed will be initiated the first, but will be the last module in the sequence that is set in measurement mode and receive the trigger. Generally, the DIO is the module that should be listed as first module. This way the DIO is initiated first, but is triggered as last module, because the DIO generates the stimulus or capture clock when it is triggered. The measurement will fail if the DIO starts clocking while the other modules are not triggered. Refer to TEST_STATUS for an example. Modules that apply a static voltage during the measurement (like DRS or DPS) don't have to be listed in this command. Only modules with a capture or stimulus memory need to be listed.
related commands: TEST_STATUS
Example: | |
TEST_CARDS0,2 | use card 0 (first) card and card 2 |
TEST_CARDS? | returns 0,2 |
Touchscreen commands
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUS | Enable or disable touchscreen
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUSn | Enable or disable touchscreen |
n=0 disable touchscreen | |
n=1 Enable touchscreen (default) |
Enables or disables the touchscreen function of the ATX7006 controller display
Not supported for the ATXExpress without touchscreen.
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUSMSG | Last touchscreen status message
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUSMSG? | Return last touchscreen status message |
TOUCHSCREEN_STATUSMSG CLEAR | Clear last touchscreen status message |
Not supported for the ATXExpress without touchscreen.
Embedded wait command
WAIT | Wait before executing the next command in the queue
WAITn | Wait n ms |
This command waits n milliseconds before proceeding to the next command. It may be used for additional -user board- settling time after switching on a power supply module channel, or to pause after other events that require a settling time.