Information about D/A and A/D converter testing

The following sources regarding A/D and D/A converter testing and signal generation/capturing are available:

Background information A/D and D/A converter testing

Linearity testing AD and DA converters Static analysis of A/D and D/A converters (INLE, DNLE, offset gain etc.)
Dynamic testing AD and DA converters Dynamic analysis of A/D and D/A converters (SINAD, SNR, THD ENOB etc.)
AD converter histogram testing ADC Histogram testing
DA converter frequency response DAC frequency response
Terms AD and DA converters Terms regarding A/D and D/A converters

A/D and D/A converter testing using the ATX7006 tester

AD converter test setup Basic A/D converter test setup
DA reference current test Measuring the reference current of a resistor ladder based D/A converter
Using histogram multi-test script to measure 16-bit ADC sub-LSB linearity Using histogram multi-test script to measure 16-bit ADC sub-LSB linearity

ATX7006 command reference and manual

ATX7002 command reference